I'm new :O)

Hi there,

I'm Deidra and I'm 27 years old. I live in Southern California. I just moved in with my boyfriend of two years and am trying to lose weight. I want to get healthy and fit, lose weight but still be curvy. I work full time and go to school 3/4 time. I'm working on my Paralegal Studies degree and certificate. I love animals. I have 2 cats, a dog, 2 parakeets and 2 adopted beta fish at work. I just purchased an exercise bike and have made a goal for myself that I must ride it at least 30 minutes a day. On days where I'm not cleaning or running around the house in the evening, I've been doing 60 minutes while watching TV. We've been cooking at home which not only helps the wallet but is better for us overall. I've decided to focus on exercise daily for now and incorporate better foods over time. Although I already eat lots of fruits and veggies, I've slacked off on my organic meats, raw dairy, etc. I will begin adding the organic foods back in slowly. I look forward to meeting new friends who are sharing the same journey I am. I am looking to lose about 80 pounds roughly. That goal may change over time. I seem to "fear" getting below 200 pounds so that is my first mini goal. I want to get below 200 pounds. I have not been below 200 since before 2007. I hope you all have a great day!


  • cabassi
    cabassi Posts: 9
    Hi Deidra,

    I just read your profile and the part that jumped out at me was that you realized you're eating too many calories. When I started using mfp I was surprised to find exactly the same thing, and being able to track my food so easily and accurately has been what it took to start losing. I'm new at this, but I've lost 10 lbs in about a month.

    So, just wanted to let you know I think you're on the right track and I wish you the best! :)
  • deesjourney2fit
    Thank you Cabassi! The other day I was so proud because I thought I had eaten well and under calories until I tracked it for calories today. 2500 calories is not eating well! I was extremely disappointed in myself for thinking that I had done so well. Just goes to show how far off your judgement can be when it comes to food and portions. Thanks for the comment, I have added you as a friend- hope you don't mind
  • cabassi
    cabassi Posts: 9
    Yeah, I was surprised to find out how many calories I was eating. I used to kind of absentmindedly snack a lot, and so it was easy to overdo it on the calories without thinking about it. Logging everything really does make all the difference.

    As far as exercise goes, one thing that motivates me to exercise is I know I get to eat more that day. Not sure that's the healthiest attitude, but it works for me :)

    I accepted your friend request, thanks. Be cool to see how you progress.

  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    way to go!!!!!!!!!! WELCOME