Lizzard_77 Member


  • Looks good, will def try making this sometime this week. Thanks for sharing!!
  • Glad you did it too! It is so hard to make myself workout after a night out! Good for you for doing it :)
  • That is fantastic! You should be proud of yourself. What a wonderful feeling, especially to be looking forward to summer!! Keep it up, I'll be looking out for future updates :)
  • I adore HIIT. I cant imagine going back to regular cardio or regular weight lifting. I love the intensity, I love the short bursts, I love how it's changing my body, I am amazed at how strong I have gotten in only a few weeks. I am working towards longer sessions next month and can't wait to see the strides I make with…
  • AM workout: 25 min 1.3 mi walk with dog PM workout: 12 min HIIT Been on my feet all day cleaning and cooking in prep for my final week of Whole30
  • Happy birthday!!! Great choices for the day :)
  • Always looking for more like-minded buddies. Feel free to add me if you please :)
  • I know this is a paleo/primal question but I will often times fall back on Whole30 rules when it comes to "processed" foods like this. Here is the take from the whole30 forums and I tend to lean towards that. I would much prefer to eat spiralized veggies or cabbage…
  • I have done some tabata workouts. Neutral on the subject. That "Fit Deck" looks interesting, there is an app, am going to check it out! Thanks for mentioning it :)
  • Today was a forced rest day due to a wellness retreat I attended. I can't help but feel like I am losing ground by not working out today but I know my mind and body need a break every once in awhile. I hope everyone had a great workout today and I'll be back tomorrow with my Saturday workout :)
  • I am a big fan of their hiit work outs, slightly repetitive but gets the job done!
  • I am really feeling yesterday's work so I went a little easy on myself today: 2 rounds, 1 minute ea set, no rest Side to side squat shuffle Alternating front lunges Bicycle crunches Mountain Climbers ............................................................................... 8 rounds, 30 seconds ea set, 10 seconds rest…
  • Honestly, at the end of the day when I need to get some extra good fats in there, I slurp down a tablespoon of coconut oil! I also like to make bulletproof tea at night with tulsi and peppermint blended with coconut oil, coconut milk, and some raw cacao, it's kind of like a peppermint patty, helps with digestion, and get…
  • Welcome back to MFP! It's so helpful to have buddies for accountability. I have found some great workouts on fitness blender. You should check out sportskool youtube channel too, nice variety of workouts. Nice to know ya :)
  • There are loads of HIIT workouts on pinterest and youtube. That is where I got started. I also do the challenges on LOVE that site. Sorry no info on treadmills and ellipticals though as I do my workouts at home and don't have either.
  • I try not to snack but if I am too low I will have a spoonful of coconut oil or some type of nut butter. I also enjoy a cup bulletproof tea to bump up the cals and healthy fats.
  • Aahhh, Day 11. the tail end of the "quitting days". The last push to the peak with greener grasses of boundless energy and Tiger Blood on the other side. I have really been up and down over the last week-ish. I wake up in the AM and feel amazing and energetic and I am getting major amounts of stuff done then I have lunch…
  • The book Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo covers Autoimmune protocol including nightshades and low-histamine foods. Her website is has GAPS and SCD recipes which I believe are also nightshade free. has some nightshade free recipes.…
  • I work out pretty hard and am currently in the middle of a 30 day HIIT challenge and I do experience some muscle soreness however, nothing that means I have to take it easy and not go all out. 2 times a week I do a 30 minute deep stretch and I take magnesium every single day. Most people are magnesium deficient and do not…
  • Ha! Plan a whole30 during my birthday? Um, no thanks!! Sorry, not to say anything about your choices but I just don't have the willpower/strength to do that!!! I did have primal cake this year for it but I could never forgo cake altogether. I admire you for choosing to celebrate in a non-food way. It really is about…
  • Tomorrow begins week 2, day 8. Feeling pretty good. I think I have gotten my meal size down and am not feeling too hungry between meals. I have found that having a post-workout snack is a big help as well as a cup of bone broth in the afternoon. I know a lot of the mediators over at the whole30 forums swear by a few cups…
  • I try to eat about 1/2 a cup of a fermented food or drink an 8 oz glass of booch or kefir with each meal.
  • I rarely eat fruit as it does tend to push veggies off my plate. Occasionally I will have a banana after a workout or an apple with breakfast. When not Whole30ing I do include berries and the occasional grapefruit. Fruit is tasty but it can kick up sugar cravings and veggies are far more nutrient dense so I don't see much…
  • I don't know what you were eating like before switching to Paleo but likely your body is going through a hefty detox. That will exhibit in breakouts and bloating while your body works out toxins. You should drink lots of water, eat a small amount of fermented foods at each meal to balance your gut bacteria, drink 4-6 oz of…
  • All of this! Exactly what I was going to prescribe, you now me and my ACV!!! I also second fermented foods to help restore good bacteria. Bitters and Quinine (tonic water, real tonic, not the kind with HFCS) will help too. And if it lasts for more than a few days, even I would probably go to the doc. Good luck, that is…
    in UTI Comment by Lizzard_77 February 2014
  • I will see if I can dig anything scientific up for you. It makes sense to me not to raise your blood sugar at night when your body won't be burning off the energy that comes from it but, I don't have any scientific basis on that. The keto group would be a great place to ask that question. I do have a lot of sites i visit…
  • Good for you! Conquering those snacking demons is hella hard but once you do you will be so free!! And I betcha that all that hydrating is helping with your skin too, keep it up!! I have now seen twice within 24 hrs a food philosophy I think is interesting. I forget what it was called so am not going to even butcher it but…
  • A hard boiled egg is a great protein/fat combo or a few spoonfuls of cashew or almond butter....
  • Day 3. Feeling good today, surprisingly. I was pretty evil yesterday! I am feeling a bit more settled as I spent a lot of time organizing yesterday. I can't think straight when I am surrounded by mess and my fridge was a MESS!!! So I got everything chopped and ready to go into their bins, made a bit of a food game plan,…
  • I will start by saying this, Whole30 rules are no snacking. If you are finding that you are hungry between meals then you need to adjust your meals to keep you full until the next one. If you are genuinely hungry between meals then you should make a mini meal following template. They say that if you are not hungry enough…