

  • I've been making myself a yogurt parfet a lunch lately. I buy a cereal box of granola, bananas, strawberries, and yogurt- those ingredients last for about 8 lunches (the granola lasts longer). Spending about $20 (or less) for 8 lunches isn't bad at all. Or, I've been doing oatmeal. Both of these are quick lunches. I…
  • NO!!!!! Don't eat. The other day, I only ate yogurt (80 calories) at 4:30am and wasn't hungry again until 12:30pm. You have to remember, the less calories you eat, the faster you will lose weight. A pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. So, if you are not hungry, then count those calories you aren't eating as going…
  • Girlie, I understand how emotions are sometimes extremely difficult to feel. We will do anything to avoid them. They are so painful and so hard to deal with. I have extremely difficult and debilitating memories of past relationships that I can hardly face myself. The thing that gives me the most peace when I am feeling…
  • Omg, way to go you! That is so impressive. I have such issues throwing away food. I have that "clean your plate cuz there are people starving in Africa" theory stuck in my head. (So I do try to ensure that I only put correct portion sizes on my plate, lol). I have a similar story. Yesterday, I made myself 8 taquitos for…
  • I gained all my weight when I moved out as well. My roommate was always throwing parties and we were just about 21 so we were both drinking all the time. Also, we didn't cook much, so most of our food was processed or Ramen. lol. Now, I'm delaing with the consequences. I miss eating out. I'm having such a hard time…