Lunches for Work

Amyjanegirl Posts: 12 Member
Hi There

I am new to this but thought I would give this message board a try. I work in an office and have an hour for lunch, however in that hour I am trying to go to the gym for half an hour. My problem is I am stuck for quick easy "cheap" lunches.

Can anyone help?



  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Can you make a little extra dinner at night and bring leftovers the following day?
  • jwintonyk
    jwintonyk Posts: 40 Member
    Pack the night before...take a salad with some canned tuna or salmon, a yogurt and some fruit...
  • ONESCOUT1976
    ONESCOUT1976 Posts: 2 Member
    I like to make tuna or chicken salad with light mayo for the week. I put them in individual 4 oz containers. I have it with fat free sliced chz on low fat crackers. The chz and crackers aren't the best but if you are working out they shouldn't be too detrimental. Before I go to the gym I have some seasonal fruit to help get some calories in me.

  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I don't like sandwiches for lunch, and buying everyday is too expensive, and too hard to control the calories. Instead, I freeze leftover portions of dinner and grab one from the freezer on my way out the door. I know what I'm eating, how many calories are in it, and I can nuke it from frozen in about 4 minutes in the old communal microwave.

    If you have a microwave in the office, this might work for you.
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    I'm terrible about actually doing this myself, but you can always prepare something at home, then take it to work in containers. Cut up fruit/veggies, bring your leftovers if you have any, etc. It could save you some money too.
  • vw8dst
    vw8dst Posts: 5 Member
    I also do the "extra dinner in portions" so I can still count calories, but I also stock up on lean cuisines or health choice lunches/dinners only when they are on sale...4 for $10 (so, $2.50 each) or something similar depending on the sale.
  • aconwell
    aconwell Posts: 5
    I've been making myself a yogurt parfet a lunch lately. I buy a cereal box of granola, bananas, strawberries, and yogurt- those ingredients last for about 8 lunches (the granola lasts longer). Spending about $20 (or less) for 8 lunches isn't bad at all.

    Or, I've been doing oatmeal.

    Both of these are quick lunches. I normally eat them in about 5-10 minutes so they will be easy to fit into your lunch hour after your workout.

    GOOD LUCK! And, by the way, I am impressed by your diligence. I don't think I could go to the gym every day during my lunch break. I don't think I would be motivated. So, way to go! You are an inspiration to me.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Yup - I always make my lunch the night before (or while I am even cooking dinner).
  • TakuraHunt
    TakuraHunt Posts: 208
    I usually buy lunch meat (turkey or chicken breast) and whole wheat sandwhich thins and have a sandwich for lunch at work (1/2 pound lasts me all week) I add laughing cow light cheese (garlic and herb, or blue cheese), or sometimes I add hummus to my sandwich...
  • kitkat610
    kitkat610 Posts: 1
    I am new to the boards too. I make something that will last on Sunday's when I have extra time, and take it during the week. Tuna/Chicken salad is another good option when I get bored. I have a couple non-traditional recipes if you are interested. Or a PB&J heavy on the peanut butter is really filling.
    I always take cut up fruit too. Sometimes for lunch, but usually, it is my 3pm sleepy snack.
  • OnlyGodCan
    OnlyGodCan Posts: 91 Member
    brining your lunch is the key. gain an intense allergy for the fast food!
  • Amyjanegirl
    Amyjanegirl Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you everyone for the posts...given me some great ideas. Been trying on and off for years now to loose weight so really want to give it a good go this time

    Thanks Again
  • nycegurl74
    nycegurl74 Posts: 26 Member
  • We always pack ziploc bags of several different fruits and vegetables for everyone in my family, and I make myself a salad with a baby spinach and arugula mix, black beans, sweet bell peppers, turkey and ham lunch meat, and salsa for a dressing (it's only 10 cals per serving and delivers high on flavor). You can use a ziploc or tupperware container for the salad, and get the small size for your dressing. Sometimes, I also pack one serving of Wheat Thins (16 crackers & 140 calories) as a snack. My lunches are under 300 calories (not including wheat thins) according to MFP. Once you get into the habit of packing your lunch, it becomes very easy.
  • jessicarn76
    jessicarn76 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm a fan of sandwich thins, deli select turkey with some sliced cucumber on it, and a little 1/3 less fat garden cream cheese. YUM! I'll also cut up a watermelon and take that will my lunches.

    Good for you for working out during lunch. There's no way I could do that, I'm a huge sweater! LOL
  • sfphill
    sfphill Posts: 19
    I'm a fan of sandwich thins, deli select turkey with some sliced cucumber on it, and a little 1/3 less fat garden cream cheese. YUM! I'll also cut up a watermelon and take that will my lunches.

    Good for you for working out during lunch. There's no way I could do that, I'm a huge sweater! LOL

    I love the idea of cucumber and cream cheese on a sammy! I have discovered bagel thins that are 100 this sounds incredibly cool and yummy!
  • jessicarn76
    jessicarn76 Posts: 94 Member
    I made the crockpot salsa chicken on Saturday and have been eating it for lunch since. I put it on top of salad, add a half pkg 100cal wholly guacamole... yum!!! I think this could me a lunch staple for me. So so good. Then I bring some fresh fruit for the sweet factor.
  • danasidoni
    danasidoni Posts: 5 Member
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I like soup and salad. I will make a pot of soup on a non-workday and freeze it in portions. Then for lunches I have either whole wheat bread, sandwich thins or whole wheat wraps. You can also cook up some chicken breasts ahead of time on that soup day and use it all week for different sandwiches.

    I heard yesterday about cooking some chicken breasts in a slow cooker with some low sodium, fat free chicken broth and a little bit of low sodium taco seasoning. Then you can slice it and use it all week for various things - on top of salads, in wraps or make a chicken salad sandwich.

    It takes some time and getting used to, but you can do a lot of prep-work on your days off that will get you through!
  • JeAnnRandallGraham
    JeAnnRandallGraham Posts: 8 Member
    I usually try to make a couple of extra portions when cooking dinner. I portion them out into containers for my husband and I to take to work the next day. I have also grilled up a bunch of lean meat on the weekend and portioned it out with some veggies into individual containers and you're set for a few days.
    If eating out is the only option, then research the nutritional information online and pick out healthy choices at a few different places.
    Great job going to the gym every day. :)