

  • Pb is available :P I don't actually know what quest bars are. Ok assuming they are a protein bar (without googling). I can't say I've ever seen them. I am from Australia though.
  • Thanks! I'll have a look at dried fruit and protein bars since they look like easy choices. I've got no refrigeration during the day and it's the middle of summer, so yogurt and similar things spoil too quickly before me eating them. I've tried veggies and dip before, I'll have a look at different dips and what's on…
  • Ooh thanks! Yogurts won't work due to Aussie summer heat (they spoil really quickly as I've found out), but pretzels look nice. I'd have to try the cheese strings to see how it works with the weather. I have gotten protein bars in the past, but it's a bit hit and miss. I either get one I really like, and can never find it…
  • I haven't had any syncing since last Monday, so 7 days now. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but annoyed that it's still happening :c
  • Hey, I'm 20. Looking to lose 20kg. Also from Australia!
  • If you have the app, you can set reminders on there if you haven't logged anything in x amount of time. [E.g. Remind me if I haven't set Breakfast before 11am, or Remind me if I haven't logged any foods in 1 day]. As for exercising, exercise when you can. If that's every Wednesday at the gym, then do that. The other days…
  • I'd love to join. Hoping that a group will keep me on track! Obviously I'm cutting it close in terms of start date :s
  • Hey, I'm from SA! I want to lose my weight (I'm at 98 right now and I want to be down around 80 as my first goal) but would love some friends to do it with! I've tried MFP before, but have never stuck with it. Now with a gym membership, I'm hoping that I'll be able to stay on here and finally lose my weight. Not too sure…