

  • That is awesome. You give the rest of us hope that we too can have a whole new lease on life
  • You can do it. It's not about the goal, it's about the journey. Unless you make permanent changes then whats the point. The weight will just come back. MFP helps you to be mindfull about what you eat and how much you eat so your serving sizes are smaller and sometimes you say no because you're too close to your limit for…
  • I think for a meeting this important you need something more streamlined and business like. Jacket, blouse, and skirt. Get the sales person to help you shop. These look more like dresses that you would wear to church. You need to look more powerful and self-assured. Good Luck! Let us know how you did....
  • You can do this. It doesn't have to be big losses every week like in biggest looser. It takes me two weeks to loose one pound. So what, as long as I'm going in the right direction, I'm happy. This is a life long journey. If 1200 cal is too hard, do 1300 but don't give up.
  • I have fell in love with the elliptical machine. It excersises everything at once , it burns lots of calories and you will loose inches everywhere.
  • If you salt one item in your meal then use herbs and spices on everything else , then as you switch between bites everything tastes better and your overall salt intake is much lower.
  • I'm a real person. I just joined 2 days ago but have been keeping track of my calories and dieting for three weeks on paper. This is so much easier. Only six pounds so far but at least I'm heading in the right direction.
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