madforplaid Member


  • It does sound like you are doing the right thing. I wonder if maybe you just need more water to help flush out the sodium throughout the day? Honestly, I've no idea if this works, or is just an old wife's tale, but my sister has dangerously low sodium and it was suggested to her that she stop drinking so much water during…
  • I visit the UK a lot, and find I tend to eat healthier while there (with the except of imbibing on real British Ale). For breakfast, try sugar-free Alpen (not bad on calories, great fiber, I hate cereals but love this one). Careful with the sandwich shops, as I have always found that mayo comes on everything. Most large…
  • Not sure it's a complete help, but I have stopped shopping the middle aisles of the grocery store. I am now only allowed around the outside walls! (meaning I hit the fruit/veg, the meat, the bulk grains - in most large stores, and the dairy, missing the processed products in the middle). Only one real problem with this…
  • I've been doing subtle tricks to help with this. I use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate ( 8 inches round versus 12 inches round) - only vegetables can be given an additional plate/bowl. I've had to give up (and get rid of) all bread/crackers/biscuits in my house and I've replaced them with sandwich rounds (are these…
  • ditto what Steph said, but I do it without the butter (just Pam to keep from sticking) as the fish is moist enough in the packet. You can also do the packet with fresh dill on top, or a bay leaf (and throw it out after) and some minced garlic. If you do it on a grill, use a medium heat setting and a 6 oz fillet will be…
  • Orthodics help a lot. Before spending the money on customs, go to a good shoe store (the kind that sell Danskos, Aravons, birkenstocks, etc.), they will have a variety of inserts that can help. My favorite local good shoe store also has a pediotrist (foot specialist) that comes in twice a week and doles out advice on…
  • oatmeal, and of course brussel sprouts.
  • I don't answer my front door anymore. It is just as stated before, solicitors for your money and soul. I have to admit that sometimes i get in the mood for the religious discussion and will open the door for church groups, just to quiz them on their beliefs (it gives them something to do besides having the door slammed in…