

  • I had mine removed 28 years ago. My problems with fatty foods have increased in the last couple of years. If I have something to eat that is high in fat, I will get sick to my stomach when I lie down to go to bed. Sometimes I can manage it by sleeping sitting up but if it is too bad, I will be in the bathroom losing my…
  • I am on the Lean month of the Turbo Fire - Chalene Extreme hybrid schedule. I love turbo fire. You can add me if you want.
  • I got this recipe from weight watchers cook book. Spray skillet with cooking spray. Cook pork chops 3 to 4 minutes each side, or until done. Remove to a plate Mix 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar - I use red wine vinegar 3 tbl honey 1 tbl hoisin sauce Pour in pan and cook 1 minute scraping brown bits off pan. Put pork chops back…
  • Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses - good source of Iron, Calcium and Potassium. I take a teaspoon once a day. Spinach is also a good source of iron.
  • I just finished week 20 of Turbo Fire yesterday and I finished Chalene Extreme back in May. I am starting the modified schedule of both today. I like them both but I do like the Turbo Fire better. Turbo Fire has the workouts to tone so you will still have that. I also bought the advanced DVDs for the Turbo Fire set and the…