

  • Well it is way past 05.28.13; when I was to type out how I did over the holidays.. I tell you, when your company shuts down for a couple of days there is so much you have to catch up with when you return. Anyway... I did not track my meals over the long holiday but I really tried to stay within my 1200 calories on my own.…
  • @ Benson1942... I am so glad that is over with. I believe my body has fully adjusted. I was starting to get on my own nerves with all the energy that I had. lol:happy:
  • Last night went surprising well. I finally went to sleep at 1a and slept until 4:30a when my 2year old decided to wake me up. I was able to fall back to sleep and was back up @ 6:30a. I still felt energized and ready to work. I went over my 1200 cal last night by 38 but that was not bad. Day 3 of Phentermine - I weighed…
  • Its almost 4:30p and time for me to go home. Right before I started typing this I noticed that I was starting to feel extra energy again and my body started tingling from my hands to my feet. I also feel so really alert. i just had a coworker go by and say that I was looking very intense. My heart is no longer raising…
  • Its now 3:31p and I had Wendys Jr Cheese Burger Delux and Valu Fries = 570 calories for lunch. After eating this I now feel my heart beating faster than norm. I will not be doing that again. Besides that I am still doing fine and drinking my water. By the way my energy level is no longer at a level 10 so I have been able…
  • It is now 10:36a and I can feel the energy running through. I have not been able to sit still. I feel like I have to be up and moving; which I have. My heart is still fine.. Drinking plenty of water. Even while I am typing this I am standing up.
  • Well I made it through my first night. I took in a total of 1156 calories for the day on 05.22.13. Last night I did not go to bed until 12midnight which did not bother me; however I did wake up twice which is not normal since I do not wake up until 6:30a during the weekdays. The first time I woke up it was 2:20a and the…
  • Its now 4:02p and I have put away total of 6 -32 oz of water. My goosebumps are back (not major). My hands are still cold. I also feel like i am floating when i walk around (feels weird but I can live with it). Heart is still ok.
  • I have never posted before so I am going to give it a try. I was glad to find a forum like this so I can have someone to go along with me during this journery and hopefully understands what I am going through. I just had my first Lipo B12 shot on 05.21.13 & took my first Phentermine 37.5 mg this morning. Deciding to take…