

  • Way to go Vickie! Fat Flush is such a solid that you can build on! When I first started drinking the Long-Life Cocktail I used a straw, seemed to be more palatable! I bet you started seeing the results on the scale soon!! The first thing I noticed was how much looser my clothes were fitting. Vacation was…
  • Vickie I just sent you an email via MFP. I never received your message. M.
  • The great thing with "Fat Flush" is that it really does flush out your system. Helps get rid of a lot of junk...not just water weight. Her book should be in the book store. There is a lot of science behind what she does and how she does it and it is very simple. I have the guidelines in a Word Doc if you would want me to…
  • Vickie (correct?)...keep me posted and let me know what you think of the "Fat Flush" Plan. My husband, who is in really good shape, uses it as well. We have implemented many of her ideas on a regular bases. It is the first program I suggested (and over the years there have been many) that he felt was valid, based on sound…
  • I too am Post-Menopausal and am 52. Have you ever read about or seen Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman. She has a “Fat Flush” Program that really works. Very nutritionally sound. Great at also getting rid of the bloat. I have lots of energry as well! I do drink coffee so have the 1-2 legal cheats. It is initially a 2 week…
  • Thanks for the reply...that is what I thought. I appreciate your input!