Post Menopause and Can't lose 10 lbs

Vickielkh Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
It's driving me crazy. I am following MFP religiously since the beginning of January and the scales just will not budge. I've lost one lb. I do think from working out ALOT more (I wasn't working out at all the last 6 mos) that I have gotten firmer but the inches are still there, the weight is still there, and so is the fat bulges. I am 53 and have body fat measurement of 26. Not acceptable. I am afraid to eat more because I seem to gain when I do. I will make my log available if anyone has any suggestions.

The good news is I feel great. Just not happy with how I look or how my clothes fit. This weight gain has happened over the last 5 or 6 years. My mom and sister are obese and both are diabetics and I am trying desparately not to follow the family tradition.


  • juberry
    juberry Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm not a spring chicken myself so it's nice to hear from someone else who's not 19...:) Anyway, have you visited a doctor or nutritionist or personal trainer to get some insights into calorie requirements, workouts and all that good kind of thing? You don't want to starve yourself or over-exercise, but you do want results.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I have the same problem. First, are you eating all your calories and your exercise calories - if not, start. You will do much better if you eat all your calories. I'm 58 and have been post menopausal since my mid 40's. I lose about 1 pound every 10 or 11 days but when I started - I lost one pound then I went 3 weeks without losing anything. This is the first program that I have been successful on in the last 30 years.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Honestly, I don't see much in your diary that should be a problem. You're a bit high on carbs some days, but not bad. And you're a bit low on cals on exercise days. That could be an issue, as when you have very little to lose, your body needs to KNOW it's going to have enough cals to be willing to let fat go. Even though it's scary, you might try going up a little in cals (say, eat 75% of exercise cals if you can't bring yourself to eat all of them) for at least 2 weeks, and see what happens. That can often give metabolism a boost.

    The only other thing I could suggest would be to talk to your doctor about hormone testing. If you have a progesterone dominance issue (which is often the case in menopause), that can cause weight gain or make it hard to lose. If your doc doesn't know enough about it, ask him to refer you to a specialist. There are natural (NOT synthetic) hormones you can use to help get it under control.

    Good luck, I hope you can get it figured out!
  • I too am Post-Menopausal and am 52. Have you ever read about or seen Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman. She has a “Fat Flush” Program that really works. Very nutritionally sound. Great at also getting rid of the bloat. I have lots of energry as well! I do drink coffee so have the 1-2 legal cheats. It is initially a 2 week program...and are eating real food! I have just started using the Smoothie Shakedown for when I'm on the go or want a protein smoothie...Protein is very important for women and the shake is plant based. She's the real deal...check her out for yourself -
  • Thanks everyone. It is just so so discouraging. I have literally measured almost every bite I put in my mouth for the last month. I'm off to check out your suggestion Mags. I really need to see something start to change here. I have tried to lose off and on for the last 3 years but every year I seem to gain another 2 or so lbs. It has got to stop. I never had a weight problem before this and I have always been able to maintain almost the exact same weight since I was 18 until post menopause. I then thought I just didn't know how to lose weight so religiously I have tried several sound diets to no avail. Hopefully the Fat Flush will work.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    One other thing I would recommend:
    Go back and make sure all of your info is correct. And if it's not already, set your goal for 1/2 lb loss/week. Your body will definitely not let you go faster than that.

    Also, if you aren't using one, you might get a HRM, to figure out your cal burns a little more accurately. Since you said you're measuring everything, exercise might the one variable that isn't quite on point.
    Good luck!
  • Vickie (correct?)...keep me posted and let me know what you think of the "Fat Flush" Plan. My husband, who is in really good shape, uses it as well. We have implemented many of her ideas on a regular bases. It is the first program I suggested (and over the years there have been many) that he felt was valid, based on sound nutrition, made sense and works. Let's stay in touch!
  • Ladyhawk,
    I do have a heartrate monitor and I like to keep it between 130-145 while working out. I think I might purchase a body fat measuring device and see if that tells me anything. Also yes it says I shouldn't go below 1200 calories on the goals here and with that I am supposed to lose .7 lbs a week. yeah right.

    Mags, thank you and yes I will. I didn't have time to look at the bookstores today. I bet however I will probably need to order it won't I? I will check it out soon though. This is so crazy. I am working out like I never have before on such a regular basis and I just can't believe NOTHING is budging. This has happened to me ever since menopause and I can't make the scales move any way but up. I don't have alot to lose but still.... with the calorie deficit, the working out and keeping my protein up to maintain lean muscle mass, something should be happening somewhere. Ireally don't get it. I tracked last year at this time and did the flat belly diet and all I got was 3 lbs which of course was water weight and it went right back on when I started eating again. I am all in all a pretty healthy eater even when not watching it so this is making me nuts.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,333 Member
    I hope you're not leaving those exercise calories uneaten.....that you just haven't been finishing your food diary. If you don't eat those exercise calories you will have an extremely hard time losing the weight.

    Add some fiber, and veggies. And eat those calories until you reach ZEROS at the bottom of your diary!!
  • The great thing with "Fat Flush" is that it really does flush out your system. Helps get rid of a lot of junk...not just water weight. Her book should be in the book store. There is a lot of science behind what she does and how she does it and it is very simple. I have the guidelines in a Word Doc if you would want me to send it to you. I have kept track of my diet on her plan but you really don't need to count calories while on it if you stick to it. There is plenty of nutrition and great healthy food. The Cran-Water is very important, helps with cellulite as well...added benefit! You may want to also look at her Shakedown Smoothie...really designed for the last 10-15 lbs or if you are on a plateau. She's all about nutrition...which is more important than calories as long as you are not over eating. Junk food has calories but very little nutrition.
  • That would be great. I sent you a message with my email address. I'd like to look it over first before I buy the book. The Shakedown Smoothie sounds pretty interesting too.
  • Vickie I just sent you an email via MFP. I never received your message.
  • Hello everyone. I finally got started on the FatFlush and have to tell you I am starting to see results! Although the weight doesn't seem to be budging yet I am beginning to see the muscle reaapear. That's good news. And amazingingly you really do start to see the cellulite vanish. I have to tell you though, the Lifetime Cocktail is not the most pleasant but I can force it down. If it works, I'm all for it. Thanks again and Mags, I hope you are enjoying your vacation.

    PS> I am not even totally into it yet either because I am waiting for the supplements to arrive. Should be here anyday. Also I haven't given up dairy but I will for at least two weeks as it recommends once I get everything here to do it right.
  • Way to go Vickie! Fat Flush is such a solid that you can build on! When I first started drinking the Long-Life Cocktail I used a straw, seemed to be more palatable! I bet you started seeing the results on the scale soon!! The first thing I noticed was how much looser my clothes were fitting.

    Vacation was wonderful…skied a bunch, saw lots of friends but enjoyed myself a little too much, all that good Mexican Food…temporarily gained 4 lbs but now that I’m back they are almost gone again. Thank goodness for Fat Flush and exercise!!
    Let’s keep each other in the loop with our success!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Nice to see some grown-ups here. I'm looking at the big 5-0 this year...
    This journey has made me see how differently my body reacts now compared to who I was 15, 20, 35 years ago.

    Whenever I start working out I put on 5 lbs then I usually lose it later, but remember muscle is denser than fat you might be losing fat and inches and be putting on muscle. It'll look like a wash on the scale for a while, but just keep working the plan and it should pay off. Having a higher muscle mass in and of itself keeps your metabolism working and burns off more calories for the long term.
  • roxomatic
    roxomatic Posts: 6 Member
    What do you mean about eating your exercise calories? I am confused.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :smooched: bump
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