

  • Earlier in the summer my sister came to visit me and since the jeans were pretty tight on me at the time and looked so good on her I ALMOST gave them to her. Although I love my sister and would give her anything in the world, I'm glad I held on to these, because I'm wearing them today, and they are the best fitting jeans I…
  • So glad you asked that question! I just bought 30 DS yesterday and started in last night, and was thinking about the best way to mix it into my current routine. I do cardio for an hour about 4-5x per week now, and am excited about making myself get into more of a structured "strength" routine. I've finally worked myself up…
  • You should be SO happy! That's awesome, I'm definitely impressed!!
  • Kernel Season's Toppings! Tons of choices, calories aren't bad. (Awesome flavors though from Jalapeno, BBQ, Chocolate Marshmallow, Apple Cinnamon, etc....ENJOY!
  • Never heard it put that way, "zig zag", but I like it! I do have my "cheat" days every now and then (usually happens on a weekend). But I agree, it MIGHT be 200-500 calories over for that one day, and thankfully for me it hasn't messed up my goals at all.
  • I'm right there with you! Just started MFP a few weeks ago and always love getting on here during the day and being inspired by so many wonderful success stories! My goal weight is 140! I am currently at 157 after officially starting at 159.7 two weeks ago. I swear mine "creeped on" too, just over the last year. I look at…