I'm not sure how mine is going to go yet. I've only been on meds for 30 days. ALthough I've lost about 6 lbs without changing my eating habits so it seems to be working.
Yeah, it really is tough. Especially with living at home and helping my parents out because my dad can eat WHATEVER he wants and won't gain a pound. :/ My mom got the hyper active thyroid so she was lucky. I'm hoping that some day my eating habits will improve enough that what ever dosage I end up with will be enough.
I'm going to send you a request right now! I don't mind adding older people. I go to a community college and (no offense to other college students) tend to be a bit more adult-minded about a lot of things so most of my friends are older to start with. :)
If you ever get some spare money or better insurance it's just a blood test. A lot of times not getting the right nutrients can cause the same symptoms as a thyroid problem. I'm trying to get a good diet plan going right now. I sent you a fr if you don't mind.
I was having problems with my period BECAUSE of my thyroid problem, but I'm paranoid that I'll end up being diagnosed with that! :/ I've had an ovarian cyst before and I really want to have kids so the idea scares me a bit. I added you!
I'll add you as a friend!
Yeah, mine made sure to specify that it NEEDED to be the brand name drug. My dosage isn't set yet. Im starting out on a lower one right now.