Hi, My Name is Jean & My Thyroid Hate Me

jtwohawks Posts: 9
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Jean. I'm an (almost) 20 year old college student with a hypo-active thyroid. I gained 70 lbs because of medical issues and I'm looking to get down to where I was before them. I'm looking for friends who are motivated & are in the same boat. :)


  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I'm a 20 year old college student as well and I gained 60 pounds :) If you have any questions or need any help, let me know!
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Hi there.I also have thyroid problems. Add me if you like and we can support each other.
  • maggiemyst
    maggiemyst Posts: 11
    I know what you're talking about! I have Hypothyroidism as well as PCOS that slow my metabolism down. I'm on the synthroid and notice no difference. I'm a little older, but the experience hasnt helped much... I find that low carb works best for me, and when I dont stick with a healthy low carb diet, I gain weight really fast! If you, and anyone else who reads this, finds anything that works well in conjunction to these/this condition(s), please share! We all need all the help we can get! :o) Maggie (30)
  • I suspected I had hypothyroidism too because I had so many symptoms. About a month and a half ago I bought a "thyroid supplement" on Amazon, basically iodine and some others. Just about a week or so ago I realized a bunch of my symptoms were gone!! I don't have health insurance so I can't have any thyroid tests done. This supplement was about ten bucks and I knew it wouldn't hurt me either way so I gave it a shot. Glad I did!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    My doc doesn't like the generic form of synthroid. For some reason he finds it doesn't work as well. I also have to take mine on an empty stomach at least 2 hours before food and any type of vitamin or nutritional supplement. Seems to be doing ok when I follow these directions.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I have hypothyroidism too went undiagnosed for 4 years and I gained almost 100lbs and having a horrible time taking it off. I take the lowest dosage of synthroid and my doctor checks my thyroid periodically according to blood work it is normal so there is no reason why I cannot shed the weight but it is still hard. I have found that cutting out bread and exercising a lot helps but I still feel like I should be shedding the weight faster given how much I have to lose. Feel free to add me as a friend I am a lot older but I too am also a college student and work full time.::laugh:
  • autumnel
    autumnel Posts: 2
    I also have struggled for 20 years with hypothyroidism, it sucks and I feel all of your pain. I have been on synthroid for a long time and recently my dose was reduced and I gained 20 lbs in 6 months. It sucks that we have to work twice as hard to get any results but I am determined that if that's what I have to do, then that's what I will do!!! Good to hear that others struggle with this issue and best wishes to you all!
  • My name is Carol and years ago I was treated for hyperthyroidism. Since then my thyroid does not function and I am taking synthroid. However, my level keeps fluctuating and I have gained about 80 pounds.
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    Yeah, mine made sure to specify that it NEEDED to be the brand name drug. My dosage isn't set yet. Im starting out on a lower one right now.
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    I'll add you as a friend!
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    I was having problems with my period BECAUSE of my thyroid problem, but I'm paranoid that I'll end up being diagnosed with that! :/ I've had an ovarian cyst before and I really want to have kids so the idea scares me a bit. I added you!
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    If you ever get some spare money or better insurance it's just a blood test. A lot of times not getting the right nutrients can cause the same symptoms as a thyroid problem. I'm trying to get a good diet plan going right now. I sent you a fr if you don't mind.
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    I'm going to send you a request right now! I don't mind adding older people. I go to a community college and (no offense to other college students) tend to be a bit more adult-minded about a lot of things so most of my friends are older to start with. :)
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    Yeah, it really is tough. Especially with living at home and helping my parents out because my dad can eat WHATEVER he wants and won't gain a pound. :/ My mom got the hyper active thyroid so she was lucky. I'm hoping that some day my eating habits will improve enough that what ever dosage I end up with will be enough.
  • jtwohawks
    jtwohawks Posts: 9
    I'm not sure how mine is going to go yet. I've only been on meds for 30 days. ALthough I've lost about 6 lbs without changing my eating habits so it seems to be working.
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