

  • Mini Milky Way bars (64 cals!), pre packaged ham- c40 calories or less if wafer thin, olives (40 cals for 8 olives), Muller low fat chocolate desserts (99 cals).
  • You're probably meant to but everyone needs a night off now and again to enjoy themselves. If I've been good the rest of the week and losing at a rate I'm happy with I don't see the problem with giving yourself a break every so often- just moderation is the key I guess. Some lower calorie options for drinks can be gin and…
  • It sounds like you have a stomach bug. I doubt it's anything to do with going over calories the past few days. Try to rest up as much as possible, drink water and listen to your body. If it doesn't get better go to the doctor- could be a food intolerance or something irritating your gut but is probably more likely a bug.…
  • At the beginning of a diet for some people the weight loss is quite steep but it often plateaus later so don't be disheartened as it slows down. I have lost half a stone (7lbs) in the first week of a diet before (did put it all back on but that's from not sticking to the diet ). Sometimes it is water retention lessening…
  • I think that can happen, you're obviously doing lots of exercise and majorly restricting your calorie intake. Often when you start a new diet/fitness regime lots of weight can drop off all at once and then it will plateau so don't be demoralised when the weight loss slows down. I think some of it is water as your body…
  • Congratulations! I have lost 5 lb since May (although I did have some time off MFP when on holiday and then fell off the wagon for a few weeks..). It's been very slow going for me too so I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. Like you, I have less than 20lb to lose so it was good to find out that it comes off slower when…
  • I just have cereal with semi skimmed milk, it's quick and fills me up. As others have said, don't cut down the protein- it keeps you full and is good for weight loss as long as not combined with fat or too many carbs. Just changing your milk to skimmed or semi skimmed from whole should be helpful! Good luck! :smile:
  • It can be so shocking to realise how many calories you're putting into your body every day without thinking. Just the act of tracking your food and realising what's in it is really empowering because it enables you to make choices about what you're eating. I have been shocked by the colossal amounts of calories in some…
  • Congratulations! Perhaps change your settings according to your current weight and see what it recommends. My BMI is just under 25 now and it recommends 1,380 cals a day to be losing about 1lb a week but I guess it calculates it differently for each person. Well done! :)
  • Hi I'm from London and joined a few weeks ago. There are lots more Brits on here than I thought too! Good luck with your weight loss journey. I also used to be slim- was a size 8-10 when I was in late teens and early 20s have gained a few stone over the years (am now 25). I don't think I'll ever be a size 8 again but my…
  • It's hard to resist the temptation to weigh daily or more than once a week but I keep my scales in their box until the day (tho I sometimes do it twice a week). It's more of a surprise when you find out and can then look back through the week at what you did- or didn't -do. I can see why people would choose to weigh each…
  • Quite right! It isn't fair that he's expecting you to cook for him and then cater for his every whim. He should respect that you're trying to eat healthily and either do the same or feed himself. It can be hard to make changes like this but it sounds like time to put your foot down!