

  • I do weigh myself everyday. It helps me to stay accountable. I only count Fridays as my official weight though. And to be honest I will weigh myself at night too. Though I know this number is going to be higher than it will be in the morning. I do have a scale that has ounces and I like that because some weeks I don't…
  • One thing I have noticed is that if I drink too much at night (by that I mean any liquids) I will see a slight weight gain no matter how well I have done. I have tried to stop having anything to drink after 8 pm so that hopefully the water weight doesn't effect my weigh in the next morning.
  • Hi I am Sarah. Current Weight: 189 Goal by June 30th: 179 What motivates you to stick to your plan to lose weight?: Motivation is something I am struggling with right now. I have lost 30 pounds since Christmas, but nothing in the month of May. Life is picking up speed and I am not making time to exercise like I should.…
    in Intro Comment by gibbsterp08 June 2012
  • It is true that the first step is always the hardest. I sometimes struggl with getting up and moving but there are alot of reasons why- they all depend on what it is I am doing. I play softball to meet new people- and to eat ice cream after (church league), I walk to spend time with friends and catch up, I "run" because I…
  • I am down 25 pounds and the clothes have started falling off. I needed to get some new pants that I could wear to work. When I went to try on clothes I found out I was down two sizes! I suggested getting a few things that fit you well- not spending alot of money on them (got some jeans at JCP for pretty cheap). Getting…
  • I think the main thing is letting yesterdays mistakes be todays motivators. We all make mistakes. I tend to track my calories as I go (when I can...I don't have an iphone to use the app so I'm stuck with the computer), on Saturday I thought I had several hundred left over because I had done some extra excerise but low and…