

  • and....I'm the girl who pigs out on fast food on a regular basis and fattening foods all of the time, so I think with that said...I've been doing great!!!!!!
  • I've been really successful at maintaining a low-fat diet...It's been really easy for me.
  • You're absolutely right about the calories...however...These are all foods I've been eating...and I've lost 11 pounds in a week, so..and I've only exercised once...I'm not saying to pig out on any of that, but eating one (or two) serving a day obviously won't hurt...I'm just all can take my advice or not...but…
  • Yes...I understand that...however...I'm not counting my sugar...just my fat intake...that's why it was a low fat post. Also...I wanted to add something I had forgotten, but since a friend on here reminded me...I'll now add it.... MARSHMELLOWS: Come in chocolate and strawberry!!! I know for a fact the reg. marshmellows are…
  • It's alright...Bambi lives another'm not feeling as if I'm starving to death today!!! LOL.
  • Thank you everyone!!! I don't know how to add anyone yet, but I'll figure it out! Today was a LOT easier than yesterday hopefully tomorrow will be better...LOL Yesterday I wanted my best friend to hit a deer on the way home so that I could jump out and eat I know it's stupid but I felt like I was starving…
  • Thanks Brittany :-) I really appreciate all the help I can get :-)