Chug_n_Fly Member


  • thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. do you guys eat all of your exercise cals or just some? i'm feeling a little less blah today - i guess i'll just exercise even harder. does anyone do hip hop abs? i'm going to try it today and if i like it i'll add it to my workouts and hnlymark i'm going to take my…
  • and i was thinking it was just me... it seems like everyone else is losing at least something and while i'm esctatic for them it makes me wonder what the heck i'm doing wrong. thanks for the words of encouragement :)
  • :explode: ok i'm still a newbie at this so i need help from those that are experienced... background: had a baby 7.5 months ago. gained 70 lbs. for the last 7.5 weeks i've been here religiously watching my calories (no more than 1200 for the first 5 weeks until someone pointed out that i'm not eating enough cals then i…
  • thanks that's a great tip! i don't swim so i never thought of that.
  • I had a seperated pelvis during my pregnancy - gave birth via c-section 7 months ago. My pelvis is much much better (can finally walk again, yay!) but I don't know what exercises I can do and how hard to push myself. I'm allowed to exercise now but I don't know where to start. (Upper body is okay I can lift some weights…
  • thanks everyone for the support! it's really encouraging and it makes me want to keep on going. my good friend suggested i not look at the scale for a week so i'm going to try her advice. i may have to have my husband hide it though b/c i'm obsessing! i'm a little confused about calorie intake b/c when i signed up this…
  • So I had "that moment". It was five weeks ago when I went home to Nova Scotia on vacation. While shopping I met up with someone I hadn't seen in a while. She twirled me around in front of a ton of people, gushing about my "pregnancy". At the time my baby was 6 months old. Humiliating!!!! The only thing she didn't do was…