

  • I just purchased the 30 Day Shred DVD yesterday. I took a quick look at it this morning. I've read on MFP of the many people that have had success with this dvd. So, I decided that I will give it a try. So, add me to the buddy list. I really want to commit to this for the next 30 days and see if this works for me!
  • Wow!!! You look wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing!! That's just the extra motivation that I need to see. I am reaching my 1st week with MFP and am looking forward to seeing what has been accomplished. I don't want to be too eager, but I am curious. Again, thanks for the encouragement!!!
  • Hello everyone!!! I'm new to My Fitness Pal also....I've done plenty of "diets" and "pills" to try to lose weight, but of course, they only worked for a temporary moment. So, now, I'm trying to get myself motivated to become healtier and lose weight. I started with MFP on 06/02/2011 and really know that tracking your food…