MDLNH Member


  • Vacation this month, so I won't be setting my miles too high for August - Going for 100 miles !! August 1st: 12 miles (*Spin*) Total (*so far): 12 miles
  • I'm going to pass this WOD onto the owner/trainer at my box and ask that it get programmed into the schedule in honor of your sister. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss and hope that you will find comfort and peace in the memories you have of her. All my best. Mark
    in Bad news Comment by MDLNH July 2014
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I know this isn't going to sound right, but I don't care what I look like as long as I'm comfortable (*sorry*). It doesn't need to coordinate or have a name on it . . . Chances are whatever I'm wearing is going to get soaked from sweat, dirty from hitting the ground (burpees) and covered in chalk. So for me it's a basic…
  • I always kiss my hands/palms "good-bye" when the WOD has bar work . . . As much as its a badge of honor for Crossfitters, to share/post the pics (*we've all done it), finding the solution is an on-going challenge for most people I know. I've tried everything: Tape, More Chalk; Less Chalk; No Chalk. I've tried the generic…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • Such terriible & devestating news . . . May everyone who lost a familiy member or loved one aboard flight MH-17 find peace and comfort in the next comming days, weeks and years in the memories of those they lost. *Rest in peace*
    in Bad news Comment by MDLNH July 2014
  • Looks like it will be a lot of upper-body work for the next three months (weighted pull-ups?; muscle-ups?; handstands?; etc.) and then when your shoulders are hurting/sore, your doctor will tell you to take a break from those activities and you can back to the legs/knees . . . Its a visicious cycle that I also am a part of…
    in Pity Party Comment by MDLNH July 2014
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) July 11th-13th: 4.0 miles…
  • I have 2 WODs that I"ll share - Almost 2 years ago, when my dog, who was a frequent "WOD Dog" died, the next week a WOD was programed in his honor and named after him. It was tough, both physically and emotionally to complete. Just last week, a couple who met at our box got engaged. The guy planned it with everyone,…
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) July 9th: 12 miles (*Cycling*) July 9th: .5 miles (*Swimming*) Total (*so far) = 28 miles
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) July 7th: 4.0 miles (*Running*) Total (*so far) = 15.5 miles
  • I'm back for another month - This time it's for the motivation to help keep me going (*been lacking it lately*). Goal for July: 100 miles July 1st: 10 miles (*Cycling*) July 1st: 1.5 miles (*Running*) Total (*so far) = 11.5 miles
  • I have only used them while running and noticed a difference during and after the runs (*compared to not wearing them). They are not "true" compression socks or sleeves. They are Reebok's athletic compression socks. One of my next purchases will be actual compresison calf sleeves.
  • I know the feeling . . . my 40 year old knees creek all the time. I would defintely add an extra "recovery" day into your schedule for a few weeks. I'm not suggesting all all out rest day, but switch to something for a day (instead of CrossFit) that will be more low-impact on your knees. Great options that I have…
    in Ugh Comment by MDLNH June 2014
  • Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!! June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*) June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*) June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*) ***JUNE 8TH - GREATER NASHUA TRIATHLON (Spint Distance)*** - - Swim: .33 miles - - Bike: 10 miles - - Run: 3.25 miles June 9th: .5…
  • You size up every heavy object that you see and say, "I bet I could easily deadlift that !!" *A favorite the members of my box do - Post a photo of yourself in a handstand next to a major landmark while on vacation. And of course, wearing a t-shirt from our box.
  • Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!! June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*) June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*) June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*) ***JUNE 8TH - GREATER NASHUA TRIATHLON (Spint Distance)*** - - Swim: .33 miles - - Bike: 10 miles - - Run: 3.25 miles June 9th: .5…
  • There is no magic pill or drink . . . You need to eat healthy/clean and exercise daily - - Good for Sen. Claire McCaskill for calling him and the supplement industry out !!!
  • Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!! June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*) June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*) June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*) ***JUNE 8TH - GREATER NASHUA TRIATHLON (Spint Distance)*** - - Swim: .33 miles - - Bike: 10 miles - - Run: 3.25 miles June 9th: .5…
  • Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!! June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*) June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*) June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*) ***JUNE 8TH - GREATER NASHUA TRIATHLON (Spint Distance)*** It was truly a great day – Here’s my recap: The weather was amazing, the…
  • With the triathlon season underway here in the Northeast, I've been going about 3 times a week, sometimes only twice. Normally (*or went not training), I WOD between 4-5 times a week.
  • Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!! June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*) June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*) June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*) ***JUNE 8TH - GREATER NASHUA TRIATHLON (Spint Distance)*** It was truly a great day – Here’s my recap: The weather was amazing, the…
  • I've actually shared/posted this article to my FB page: "I Don’t Care If You Don’t CrossFit" - ** I'm truly happy for what-ever you choose for your fitness and exercise. And while it may not be for me, I'm not going to tell you it's bad for you and rage against you…
  • Back for another month - The heat is on - Setting my goal for June at 120 miles !!! June 2nd: 5 miles (*Running*) June 4th: 10 miles (*Road Cycling*) June 4th: 1.75 miles (*Swimming - Drills*) *Total (So far): 16.75 miles