michellebsn Member


  • I have been running for many years. I recently slowed down and started Spinning more and other type of cardio. I am going to start adding in more running becuase Spinning and running are the only two forms of excercise that calm me and sharpen my focus. It is one of the most relaxing things that I do. :smile: :smile:
  • In the summer I eat a ton of fruit and for the first time ever I am gaining weight as a result. I saw that WW allows a person to eat as much fruit as the want but that is not working for me. I have to cut back because I am not progressing the way I would like.
  • Hello, I have a 1 yr old. And, it has been a struggle. My schedule is crazy, but I have stopped eating all snacks not even a mint - and it is working slowly but surely.