too much fruit?

i was just wondering, i am eating around 4 pieces of fruit a day and all are around 10-15g of sugar each. this equates to around 55-60g of sugar when my diet only allows me 38g according to MFP. is this ok?. I know the science behind it in that fruit has 'fruit' sugar fructose and can still turn to fat, so should i just eat enough fruit for 38g or should i still try aim for the overused statement '5-a day'.



  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    Better than the fructose syrup in fast foods I would say.

    Have to admit I had noticed that the fruit I eat (apples and bananas) do seem to contain a lot of sugar.

    Expert advice would be welcomed please?
  • HausfrauB
    HausfrauB Posts: 104 Member
    Not an expert. Here is what happens when you eat sugar (any type: glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.)

    carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar-->insulin response-->low blood sugar-->carb/sugar craving-->carb/sugar ingestion-->high blood sugar--> (cycle repeats)

    If the fruit is having an affect upon your appetite then cut back. Otherwise you should be okay so long as you're limiting simple carbohydrates.

  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    First, congrats on your wt. loss, and for eating healthier. WTG! 5 a day refers to getting your vitamins from fruits AND vegetables. 4 pcs. of friut is a lot of sugar as you can see. Personally I would go for one or two servings of fruit, then as many vegetables as you can hold! Sans butter and light on dressing, they'll fill you up and nourish you. (oils/fats aren't bad, don't get me wrong, but they add up fast, and make sure they are good fats)

    Edit to say remember also, some pieces of fruit are big enough to be a serving and a half. If you have a food scale it can be eye opening. :)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    It's not as bad for you as processed sugar and there are a lot of other benefits such as vitamins and fibre. I think the general advice is that 3 of your 5-a-day should be veg and 2 fruit because of the sugar, BUT if you like fruit and it stops you eating garbage I say continue as you are :wink:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    fruit is a good thing to eat but IMO one or two servings is more than enough. WHile it is good, there is nothing magical or fantastic about it. A lot of calories and a lot of sugar. Many people feel that since the sugar is from fruit, then its ok to go hog wild. It isnt.

    I generally eat some blueberries (about a cup) and an orange for my fruit for the day.

    Bananas are probably the most over rated fruit on the planet. WHile I like an occasional banana, the high calories and sugar in the banana curb my appetite for them quickly.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    I don't know but I eat more than that for fruit a day LOL :) I love fruit!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    You need to mix more veggies in there. Or at the very least eat some protien with it. Too much fructose weather it is natural or not is not good.
  • michellebsn
    michellebsn Posts: 3 Member
    In the summer I eat a ton of fruit and for the first time ever I am gaining weight as a result. I saw that WW allows a person to eat as much fruit as the want but that is not working for me. I have to cut back because I am not progressing the way I would like.
  • rcthale
    rcthale Posts: 141
    As long as you're eating fruit INSTEAD of artificial sweets, you'd have to work very hard to overeat with fruit. For example, you can eat a whole one-pound container of strawberries for about the same calories as a 12-oz can of Coke. The difference is the fiber.

    You can naturally stop when you're full or when you get diarrhea, your choice :)