WHOA. That's so awesome! Congrats!!
WHOA. That's so awesome! Congrats!!
Great advice! I definitely try to do them all. Good luck on your journey!
I've never seen it used the other way, but that's probably because I'm used to mother/baby message boards where it runs rampant. There are tons of acronyms on there and I was lost at first. I really never meant to confuse people on here!
I've seen it on a lot of pregnancy/baby websites. I didn't realize it meant anything else until I posted on here!
Wow, you're amazing! Congrats!
I totally agree with everything you said. It's just hard to change mindsets when you're so used to having no restrictions and a body that responds. I think my post-baby body is awesome. I don't think I look terrible, I just hate not fitting into anything in my closet and feeling out of shape like I "let myself go". I can't…
Dang...I might up my calories then. It's just terrifying to do that. I'm sure you understand. I would love to lose 2 1/2 pounds a week! Nice!
It means first time mom :-)
So you didn't lose any weight while breastfeeding?? :-(
Oh no! I'm sorry you hurt yourself. That sucks! I've been holding myself back a lot so I don't do that. I love playing tennis, but I haven't played it yet since the birth. I'm just doing a lot of walking/running/lunges and squats. I really hope it doesn't take a year to get my body back. :-(
I actually started walking about 2 weeks after. I had a vaginal birth with no complications, so I felt good. I only walked though - nothing else, and not every day at first. I think I walked about a mile 3 times that first week.
Thanks! I'm definitely trying to constantly remind myself what my body did for me and for her over the past year. It's discouraging thinking I won't be able to lose weight until I stop nursing because I want to nurse at least 6 months. I guess we'll see about the weight loss!
Yeah, 2500 seemed a bit crazy, but different bodies, I guess? Thanks! I'm breastfeeding about 8 or 9 times a day right now. I think that's roughly 450 or so calories.
HAHAHA! Oh lawd!
Thank you for your reply! It's so discouraging to go from a fit, toned body to a flabby one that isn't even the same kind of flabby as before. I never had a stomach (I'm a pretty solid hourglass), so a constant belly has been hard on me. Not to mention NOTHING pre-pregnancy fits. And when I say that, I mean not even my fat…
Hello! I'm breastfeeding my three week old daughter. So far, breastfeeding hasn't helped me drop much. Feeling so flubby right now. I gained 40 pounds total and have lost 18 so far. I'm hungry a lot, so it's been hard to look at calories. I hate my weight but this is my first baby, so it's all new. Looking for support and…
You look amazing!! Bravo!
Body/health-wise: 22!!! I was a personal trainer/karate instructor, so I was in the BEST shape.
I had a massage by one once. Didn't bother me!
Thank you!
This is my favorite post ever on these boards. HAHAHAHA
Awesome! The scale is only one tool in weight loss. A positive attitude is another. :-)
What are you eating? Are you pushing yourself too hard? Make sure you aren't eating too much sugar and carbs. That can usually zap energy - at least with me.
I was in Salem for Halloween two years ago and it was freezing (remember that October blizzard thing?!), so I didn't get to dress up. I wanted to be a pterodactyl, though! :-)
This^^^ But personally, I don't think curvy is the same thing as fat. However, I've been called thick and that one SUCKS. I wanted to punch that guy. He made me cry! I was smaller then than I am now, come to think of it...
I did it once as a kid because I wanted to see what could happen. They sent a cop out to my house. Of course my parents were like, WTF?
Yay! Congrats! BTW, your hair is so pretty. Love the waves :-)
Yes! It sucks! What works for me is that I just give myself the first day to eat whatever. There's too much going on to fight all the battles, LOL! I never go too crazy on that day, but I just let myself have ice cream or chocolate or whatever and don't log calories so I feel bad. It never equals weight gain. :-)
FTW! Best feeling ever! Congrats!