Armik Member


  • I'm just starting out. I'm only a week in, and I need help/suggestions! I'm particularly low on my iron intake. But please don't judge me by today's food's not my usual.
  • You're story is awesome! And I'm glad you didn't leave out the anxiety part. There needs to be more discussion about the link anxiety and poor nutrition/lack of exercise, not to mention the cycle they create. I hope this helps a lot of people.
  • When I had gestational diabetes and had to be super careful for my baby's sake, I ate a lot of flaxmeal. Flaxmeal muffins and pancakes are really pretty good. I topped with peanut butter and a drizzle (the tiniest bit possible) of honey.
  • There are lots of good things about protein, but the thing that's most important to me is how protein balances out carbs to fuel your body and keep your blood sugar levels steady so you don't feel as hungry.