watergirl626 Member


  • My sodium tends to end up around 3K, but I also drink insane amounts of water, so I don't sweat it. I have also read that the potassium to sodium ratio is looking to more important than straight up sodium intake.
  • Found the WHO report. ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/007/y5686e/y5686e00.pdf From section 5.3: "The PAL values that can be sustained for a long period of time by free-living adult populations range from about 1.40 to 2.40. This consultation agreed that a desirable PAL includes the regular practice of physical activity at…
  • Thanks. I did do some backbends, bridges, supines, and don dog/plan/cobra flows.
  • My weight routines last about 35 minutes, plus I warm up for 5, and then typically walk/run for 5-10 minutes after (if I am up for it - depends on how exhausted my muscles got), and then 5-10 minutes of stretching. When I log it in, it look like 50-60 minutes total because I don't separate out each component for logging,…
  • A lot of people do weights 3x/week. I tried it, but found I didn't have the energy by the 3rd one to hold correct form, so I dropped back down to two. I think as long as you feel strong enough that you are getting a proper workout, 3x/week is just fine. If you aren't feeling good about it, listen to your body and back down…
  • I lost my weight without cutting out alcohol. Cut back, sure. I worked it into my calories, and typically limited other treats if I was having one that day. Just make sure your other calories are nutritious. My choice is beer, and the microbrews I like are in the 150-225 range. Yikes! But I don't like the way I feel after…
  • I did the bod pod to get BF%, but mine did not calculate BMR and TDEE (the ones that do just use the same equations that are online and plug in the BF number). The Bod Pod only measures BF%, and then it is just the same calculations from there on out. You can ask the place if they do testing for BMR/TDEE. The place I went…
  • Planning helps a lot, and if you feel like the volume is too much, then look for more calorie dense foods. Cook veggies in olive oil instead of steaming, eat whole eggs, not just whites, bump your dairy to full fat, or more fat anyway. You'll get there! Just remember, it is a process.
  • Lol, I know, or 4-6 M&Ms or 1 dove promise. M&Ms are across the office, I will take just a few and walk all the way back to my desk before eating them. Same with the dove promises: Mondays our receptionist puts out a candy bowl, she is on a different story of the building. I peruse, decide if what is in the bowl is worth…
  • Thank you all for your kind words. It was a lot of fun to share my success and soak it all in. I'm glad this can be encouragement for this group. As I mentioned, I never liked the idea of eating too little, and certainly didn't want to est 1200 calories the rest of my life (after all, I want to maintain my loss, not yo…
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words. It was so fun to share. Keep being conscious of your choices, and remember that this is a long term deal, at least if you plan to keep the weight off, so if it takes a little while, that's okay. It didn't all come on overnight, right?
  • It gave me 2200, which is what I have been eating based on Fat2fitradio. Funny.
  • That's why I posted it here too. I wanted to show that eating more DOES work. It is so hard to have faith in it, especially since you typically gain at first before it comes off, but be patient, it will.
  • Yes, I drink a ton of water. I don't track it daily, instead I just go by if I fell like it was an under, average, or excessive water day. the times I do spot checks and track, I am in the 16-22 glasses per day range. Snicker salad is apples, bananas, pears, grapes, cool whip and snickers. My mom puts pudding too, I don't…
  • Well, there is a 3" difference between my waist and my naval. The military calculator says to use the smallest part, so that comes out at 22.2%. All other calculators say to use at naval, which all come out in the 25-something range. When I did the bod pod a few months ago, it came in at26.9%, which was only 0.1% off of…
  • I started C25K last year about 2-3 weeks into starting my weight loss journey. When I started MFP, I had my settings at 1lb/wk loss, so my net was over 1600 as opposed to the 1200 a lot of users start at. One day I just wasn't hungry, so I didn't make myself eat. Netted something like 1100 that day. No big deal - until I…
  • Congrats! I worked my way up to 60 mins using that program, then got hit by a 3 week (undiagnosed) asthma attack. When I started up again, I decided 5K is my spot, and I can do those 10Ks as my long slow run. Nothing wrong with knowing what distance you prefer. Now I just work on speed instead of distance.
  • During HIIT, I burn 10cals/min by 20 minutes. When I do a tempo run, I don't get to 10 cals/min until about 40-50 minutes in.
  • I set MFP to 1 lb per week from the beginning, and lost 2/wk anyway without feeling deprived. Slower weight loss is better in the long run anyway. I asked where you got your numbers because that would affect what you do with exercise calories. Some sites have your activity level figured in already in your TDEE (i.e. F2F),…
  • You don't want to eat less than your BMR. To create a deficit, use your TDEE as the number to subtract from. What did you use to figure out your BMR and TDEE numbers?
  • @polo - **** enrico - I'm just kidding - saw you are from EP, so you actually know who that ism Muscles and shaved head : vin diesel or bruce willis
  • I had never thought about #3, but it is SO true! Not necessarily tops, but some NSVs: I can wear tops that don't have gigantic arm holes that show my bras My airplane seat got bigger. :) I can walk up/down the stairs past another person without one of us waiting on the landing. I can cross my legs (this seems to be a big…
  • BTW, for those of you who cannot fathom eating what F2F recommends, go back through your diary and look at your totals on the days you exercise. When my net was 1540, I was still eating 1800-1900 total because of eating back exercise calories.....
  • This is what I am doing now, because I wanted the flexibility to still be able to eat on rest days (when your body needs the calories anyway to help your muscles heal!) and to help with more consistent planning. I set my MFP goal manually to 2200 calories (MFP thinks I am going to gain 0.6 lbs per week. Just ignore that…
  • I have a friend who loves the BBL, and she is very active, very fit, so I take her word quite seriously. I have not done it, but I am big in my thighs/hips/butt (pear shape anyone?) and as part of my weight routine, I do a lot of squats and lunges, and my butt is definitely higher than it ever has been in the past. Loving…
  • If you use their original calculator, it uses wrist and forearm measurements. Wrist would help account for bone structure.