

  • Personally, I load up on breakfast with nearly 1/3 of the caloric intake for the day. Lots of protein to keep me energized too. I usually have to force myself to have a light snack in the morning and I'm still not very hungry by lunch time. But this makes it easier to make smarter choices for lunch. Breakfast is the most…
  • You WILL get there and losing 2 lbs this week is awesome! Keep up the great job and just take it one day at a time. :)
  • Based on your food diary for the past week, if more of your days were like Wednesday June 1, 2011, you'd be rockin'!!!
  • I did a round of P90X and didn't lose more than 5 lbs during that time. Then an old knee and hip injury flared up and I had to stop (for now). Once I had to focus solely on my diet and watching my caloric intake, I lost just shy of 10 lbs in 3 weeks. It's all about balance and finding the right combination to work with…
  • Your body may have become more efficient in burning calories depending on how long you've been at the level of exercise you are doing. Try changing up your routine and challenge your body in a new way. I can't view your food diary, but make sure you are getting a big breakfast with plenty of protein. This will rev up your…
  • Calories 220 Calories from Fat 216.0 Total Fat 24g Cholesterol 15mg Sodium 440mg Total Carbohydrate 2g Protein 2g Reference: http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate/nutrition-calories/food/pizza-hut/blue-cheese-dipping-sauce/
  • My husband is a total meat and potatoes kind of guy. He's watching his calories now too. When I make chicken or steaks, he still needs a filling/satisfying side. I usually prepare a smaller pasta Healthy Choice Steamer and we split it as a side. It's nice and hot but with low calories. It also cuts the sodium level in half…
  • I try to limit them to only when I'm pressed for time. I have switched to Healthy Choice Steamers. They taste so much better than LC or HC and seem to come with a little bit more food too. My favorite is the Chicken Pesto Classico because it allows me to have a little bit of pasta. I love pasta! :)
  • LOL, I am definitely no expert or this journey would have been a lot easier! :) Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate the time you took to read the blog.