struggling, but have lost 2 lbs this week!

I started a new diet on Tuesday that was given to me by my doctor. She is going to re evaluate me in one month to see how it goes and to do labs and so on.

no more than 45 grams of carbs/ day
no more than 60 grams of protein/day
1200 - 1400 calories/ day

I am still adjusting and getting used to this, but I haven't reached my calories yet because it's difficult to find foods with 0 to just a couple of carbs! I am barely getting the right amount of protein. I have lost 2 lbs. since Tuesday though! I need to lose at least 34 pounds, but to get into a healthy bmi range I need to lose 55 lbs. Maybe I will get there! I hope I can get used to this. This is a new lifestyle for me, but I want to be happy and healthy for as long as possible for my amazing husband and children!


  • WeightLossExperiment
    You WILL get there and losing 2 lbs this week is awesome! Keep up the great job and just take it one day at a time. :)
  • kandace1982
    Thanks so very much! I am extremely determined this go around. I'm In it to win it! :)
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Search online for low carb-no carb foods. Atkins is a no carb-no carb diet. I used to do it, but I don't remember the foods you can eat. I think blue berrys, eggs, any kind of meat that's not sandwich meat. Also, Milk has a ton of carbs. You have to get the almond milk. It takes some getting used too. Anyways, look online and good luck (=
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    2 lbs this week is great! And having this site helps your Dr see the food choices you are making as you have labs re-done. Fresh veggies, especially green are great low/no carb foods.

    Im glad to see youre looking at it as a lifestyle cahnge too!

    Are you working out?
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Oh and carbs are just sugar, so stay low in sugar and you will be fine (=
  • kysassyblonde1
    Eggs have lots of protien in them, might be something you can eat without adding too many calories
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    ths is not easy, but when YOU make the decision to change, things fall into place.....tracking or logging what you eat(as close to real as possible)will be essential to your you get a handle on the eating portion, exercise will help with the second phase of your journey.....good luck and hang in there you have a lot to be health for....
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    Oh and carbs are just sugar, so stay low in sugar and you will be fine (=
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    Well done for losing 2lbs - that's brilliant.
    Well done & keep up the good work.
    Jules x
  • MysticMoon
    MysticMoon Posts: 21 Member
    I've struggled loads but since eating a hard boiled egg each dinner time has helped with snack attacks that i used to get. I love the diary on here it's really helped me be mindful of what i eat x
  • kandace1982
    this is a lot harder than I imagined! I can't seem to get to 1200 calories and stay below 45 carbs :/ I have made the best choices out of what we have this week, but last night we had a get together and had pizza with his grandparents. I can't find nutritional info on Arni's pizza. I had 5 slices, but they were the little thin squares. He made brownies too and I had one. Why is it so hard to resist this stuff when it is in front of me?!?!? I haven't bought any sweets or anything. I bought sugar free jello to keep around for a snack and luckily my husband and son don't like it :) I have NOT given up. I did feel a little defeated yesterday, but I am feeling good today.

    Working out - between my 5 year old son and my 1 year old daughter .. it's hard to work out so I PLAY :) I play dance dance revolution, just dance, just dance 2, michael jackson, country dance, and zumba for the wii. I was slacking because I have felt really fatigued and sluggish the last couple of weeks, but I played just dance 2 for an hour today. 2-30 minute intervals with my son. Any encouragement is greatly appreciated. I am doing this and I know I can. I have to completely change the way I eat, but I am so picky. I know this is possible though. I am still thinking positive.
  • duncanryan
    duncanryan Posts: 122 Member
    I wouldn't totally avoid carbs, and wouldn't try the Atkins diet/South Beach diet. For one, they aren't healthy and two, almost impossible to stick to. You'll gain the weight back faster than you lost it once you stop those diets. I'd make sure you're getting carbs because they help give your body fuel.
  • kandace1982
    Thanks Everyone! I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but will definately weigh myself tomorrow morning. I am still struggling to reach my calorie goals (typically under) and stay below my carb goals. I usually have to go over my 45 g. of carbs to reach my calories unless I just eat cheese and stuff with absolutely no carbs, but then I want to snack. I see the doctor on the 30th so I am going to see about adjusting things just a little.

    duncan-I am not avoiding carbs all together. I am just trying to follow my doctor's request of 45 g., but I haven't really stayed below 45 at all.