wolfchild59 Member


  • Cereal one sitting on my counter: 120 cal 1g fat 27g carb 2g fiber 10g sugar 2g protein Cereal two: 110 cal 1.5g fat 22g carb 2g fiber 9g sugar 2g protein Cereal three: 100 cal 1.5g fat 23g carb 2g fiber 10g sugar 1g protein One of those is one that is considered healthy or a healthier choice than others. The other two are…
  • I have non-running cross cardio built into my race training schedules. I basically do anything that is cardio and isn't running or walking. For m this includes ARC trainer, stationary bike, inline skating, stair mill (not the stair stepper, the one that's like a forever escalator), and the elliptical. Basically I try to…
  • Only time i get to 800 calories for a burn is when I run eight miles. I get a 1000 calorie burn when I run 10 miles. But I can't do either of those in a hour. :)
  • This. That's all it ever comes down to. Your own personal willpower. We can give you all the hints, tips, and tricks in the world. But none of it matters if you're still willing to say yes. I'm not trying to sound harsh or mean, it's just the truth. Strengthening your willpower is as important as strengthening your body…
  • Healthy is a relative term folks. Maybe your idea of healthy isn't the same as the original poster's. In which case you could tell by the subject line of the thread that you already disagreed. Which then means that you came into the thread itself only to post an antagonistic/judgmental post. Surely there are better things…
  • Holy crap that looks awesome.
  • What exactly is this person pressuring you about that's making you nervous and angry? And remember, no is a complete sentence. You never need to give an excuse for saying no. If someone doesn't get that, that's their issue, not yours. If it's about food, no one can force food down your throat, so just be confident in your…
  • It tastes really gross to me. The artificial flavor totally killed it for me. The hubby couldn't even get past one sip. If you want OJ with less calories, either just drink less OJ or do what's commonly done for little kids, cut your juices with 50% juice/50% water.
  • You shouldn't be pulling in on the area at all with the tape measure, but it shouldn't be loose. Basically, the tape measure should be laying flat against your skin, without causing indents, and with no sag or gap between the tape and your skin. It does also help to take the measurements in front of a mirror so you can see…
  • Okay, first off, you look great for 190lbs! You must have some amazing muscle tone hiding under that skin! I'm way bigger than you at and inch shorter and less weight. But, the not so great part - loose skin is really hard to combat. Continuing to lose weight and workout will help a bit, but once skin has lost it's…
  • I always feel better when I keep my carbs closer to 45-50% while race training. And then I up my carbs to 50-60% for the week leading up to the race (no night before carb loading for me, ever, even on half marathons). I get really tired and irritable when my carbs are too low. I had a doctor prescribed 20% and under carb…
  • For fluid measure, this. For the ounces/grams that the OP also asked about, there is no weight conversion for one cup. One cup is a volume measure and can't be easily converted straight across to weight. Think about if you have one cup of mini marshmallows and one cup of granola. They're the same volume, but very different…
  • Nobody here has ever seen me or knows anything about me, really. But I was totally procrastinating on heading downstairs for my strength workout and now I'm all grinny and ready to head down.
  • It's actually a cookie. There are recipes for them if you google it. And there's a company that sells unicorn poop cookies as well. They show up on Fab sometimes. :D
  • There's nothing wrong with eating ice cream every day. I'd just say have better ice cream than McDonald's ice cream. Heck, I ate a cupcake from a local bakery every single day for seven days and just worked the rest of my eating around that cupcake each day. Worked out, stayed in my calories, was down a pound at the end of…
  • I took some for a month a while back. But it was recommended to me for stress/cortisol regulation, not weight loss. I got a bottle that was a 30 day supply for $20 from my local natural goods store. Took it everyday for 30 months. Didn't really feel any less stress and didn't lose any weight. So I'd say skip it, especially…
  • Your body is *supposed* to absorb things from what passes through the GI. When it doesn't, it causes serious damage to the body. An extremely amazing woman that is a friend of a friend actually suffers from a disease that causes her body to not absorb anything through her GI. She has just recently gotten to the point where…
  • While I've been focused on race training for the last year and a half or so, I only have two lifting days built into my training schedule. So I do full body workouts on each of those days. But once I finish with my last planned race for awhile (coming up shortly), I plan on reducing my cardio and focusing more on lifting.…
  • Just remember that if you do look for those entries and decide to add nursing as calories "burnt" to your log, drop your intake total back down to where it was before you started nursing. So if you were at 1300 calories before, drop it back to that, then add the 500 "burnt" nursing calories, and eat 1800 calories. But…
  • I agree with the above poster. When my hubby lost some weight a few years back his pants size never changed. And it's because he wears his pants below the largest round of his stomach, so even though his stomach was getting smaller, it didn't change where he was wearing his pants. But he did have a fairly big visual change…
  • Agreed. But I'm talking specifically about people that talk about going clothes shopping and getting discouraged because they seemingly haven't dropped any sizes.
  • I prefer blending to juicing because I like getting the whole veggie/green/fruit in the mix. I find that blended smoothies are more filling and I like that I get a lot more smoothie for a lot less veggie when blending. But the hubby prefers juices to blended smoothies because he doesn't like the thicker texture of the…
  • No more than a couple of pounds lost from when I was burning more to burning less.
  • From personal experience, there has definitely been a change in the amount of calories burned for doing the same intensity workout after I've done it for awhile. I dropped from about 115 calories per mile to 95 calories mile at the same speed. And dropped from about 700 to 550 calories per hour on the elliptical set to the…
  • I've seen a jump of up to five pounds from morning to morning. I've also seen it jump a pound or two after a day of really high sodium, even if I was right in my calorie range and hit my macros. Biggest jumps come after vacations. Even just a few days on vacation (I log, but don't "count", while on vacation) can see a…
  • I hold them by my side and lift them to my chest as I lower into the squat. Don't know if that's the best way to do it, but it's what has always felt most natural to me. And I use dumb bells or just the plates because I don't have a bar available.
  • Just enter the speed and time as walking and either take the calories MFP gives or adjust to what the treadmill gave. So you'd choose walking, 3mph, then enter 30 minutes and adjust calories as needed. Also, even when it's on an incline, you should do your best to not hold onto anything. Even if it doesn't feel like it,…
  • It's about $6.95 a month. But if you buy the armband through Costco.com it comes with a year included (at least it used too). I wore one for two years and don't plan on ever putting it back on. It was interesting seeing all of the data and the charts, but ultimately it didn't help me lose weight or maintain my current…
  • I was scared of the gym at first too. Worried about what prople would think and the judgement I would clearly face everywhere. Then the hubby took me on a guest pass once when the fitness center in our apartment complex was unavailable due to a power outage. That's when I realized that no one cared that I was there or what…