

  • 13lbs in a month is FANTASTIC!!!!! on average one should lose 1-2lbs a week. the first week, most will lose more than that, but after the first week its a matter of determination. keep it up! don't give up! you can do it!
  • wow! i dont know how you do that! lol i'm always starving if i dont eat like 1000cals a day AT LEAST! and most of the time i consume all 1200 of mine, of course i exercise and all that jazz, but i say more power to you! and you can always eat some nuts or a piece of fruit! :) go natural! :)
  • if its the caffeine you want try coffee;) i love it! and if you use an artificial sweetener it gives you the sweetness you may be looking for. so ALL that without the calories :) here lately i have been drinking flavored green tea and it totally takes away any hunger i may be experiencing, i love LovE LOVE it :) anyway,…