Why must I be addicted to caffeine

ryanfeltz Posts: 126
Keep me away from the Dr. Pepper.... The coke is forbidden.... empty calories I will consume not

mantra to avoid the evil soda

*repeating to myself over and over " because I cant spare 150 calories on that nonsense


  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    because you dont STOP... its mind over matter, promise... I used to drink 8-10 cokes a day (diet but still)... now I drink maybe 1 a week... just know you are stronger than that!
  • if its the caffeine you want try coffee;) i love it! and if you use an artificial sweetener it gives you the sweetness you may be looking for. so ALL that without the calories :) here lately i have been drinking flavored green tea and it totally takes away any hunger i may be experiencing, i love LovE LOVE it :) anyway, hope this helps/encourages.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    See that's your mistake. MFP is not about cutting out all of your treats. It's about logging every bite (or sip) and every workout. If you 100% cut out things that you enjoy you will not reach your goals. Because there will come a day when you get your hands on said weakness and you will binge and binge. Just have 1-2 sodas/week as a treat. Log it and move on. Don't drive yourself bonkers.

    Plus, if you are addicted to caffeine and have 1 cup of coffee per day you're actually having diabetes prevention and a great source of antioxidants. 1 cup. That's it. That's all you need to help your brain get started for the day and to have the health benefits.
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I feel your pain. I am a life long Diet Mountain Dew addict! No, really. Up until about 4 weeks ago I was consuming AT LEAST four 44oz Diet Mountain Dews every day. I had it in my hand from the minute I got up until the minute I got up. LOL It even sat on my night stand to take a sip of during the middle of the night on my way to the bathroom! Upon the suggestion of a friend (& personal trainer) I switched to Kroger brand Lemon Lime sparklimg water & haven't looked back. Before this I hated all carbonated water, but it truly is a great replacement. Of course I had to wean myself down, but I feel so much better. Try to find something else that gives you a similar taste & mental kick. Soda is the devil! Just kidding! LOL. Good luck! You can do it!
  • lostsoul2216
    lostsoul2216 Posts: 57 Member
    Caffine believe it or not can be very addictive. Anyone who has gone cold turkey will tell you it is much worse than stopping smoking.

    I would recommend things like diet mountain dew. 0 calories, same caffine, tastes just like regular.

    JUst slowly cut back on caffine. I drank 2 pots a day of coffee for the longest time, and now I do not have more than a cup or two a day.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    if its the caffeine you want try coffee;) i love it! and if you use an artificial sweetener it gives you the sweetness you may be looking for. so ALL that without the calories :) here lately i have been drinking flavored green tea and it totally takes away any hunger i may be experiencing, i love LovE LOVE it :) anyway, hope this helps/encourages.

    Good choice on the green tea. It is said to actually help with weight loss. Also, the health benefits from drinking it every day are pretty amazing. Try to get the whole leaf green if you can (I get the tea bags with whole leaves in them from a local Asian market). :)
  • have you tried the diet caffeine free coke its not that bad :smile:
  • Alee4nia
    Alee4nia Posts: 168 Member
    Try replacing it with something else...like people...teas are a great option...but i think the bigger picture is you can do this, just say no...because you want to....keep trying you can totally do it.... ..you could slowly try weaning yourself off of it...try the diet...i know diet full is full of junk too...
  • louise_608
    louise_608 Posts: 27 Member
    I feel your pain, I have at least 1 bottle of coke a day at the moment. I used to love lucozade too but stopped drinking that a while ago and now can't stand the taste of it. I am hoping I can cut how much coke I drink a day down too, but it's not easy as it's everywhere. Going to fill up my car with petrol o wait there's drinks and just think o wait one can't hurt etc. So am trying to get myself out of that habit at the moment. I'm not sure if I'm addicted to the caffeine or so much a habit of buying it. Either way when I give up I know I am going to have headaches :-( but it will be worth it!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    have you tried the diet caffeine free coke its not that bad :smile:

    this...........same caffeine still have your soda........
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Good job Onesnap!!! Said like a true MFP perfessionl!!! I so agree
  • green tea added to shopping list..... I have to stay away from artificial sweetners... they all give me headaches. But i can do ice tea with no sugar all day............ thanks y'all for keeping from the DP :) crisis averted ahhhhhh
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