

  • good for you!!
  • personally I would share with the whole team (parents). These are hard times. I coached little league for years also was a team mom, on the board, etc. never ever would I have said such a thing to someone who is struggling financially. She is being a bully. I thought we are suppose to be teaching our children not to be…
  • I joined a little over a week ago I think...everyone is great here. I do weight watchers the old points system and I did not join the WW site, but found all the info on line. (I can't afford monthly fees and I guess that is probably not right, but i was desperate to loose weight) What i do for my sweet cravings....and…
  • you have lost 12 you know how great that is....if not, go find a 5lb bag of sugar x's 2 and realize how much that is. now if you are feeling depressed....put on some headphones with music....and shake your butt around the can always find something to smile not give in to your feelings!
  • you have lost 12 you know how great that is....if not, go find a 5lb bag of sugar x's 2 and realize how much that is. now if you are feeling depressed....put on some headphones with music....and shake your butt around the can always find something to smile not give in to your feelings!
  • you look spectacular! you are an inspiration to us all!!!! this is no commercial folks this is the real thing!
  • :smile: Hi Rob, I am new here, I introduced myself and only one person said i am saying hello. I am doing the old weight watchers point list, (found all info on line and in 10 days have lost 8 lbs. I started at 137 and I am now down to 129. I am short, a little under 5 ft, and 53 yrs old. So my goal....I do…
  • I just did a search on line.... and found it..... if you need help let me know...!
  • I just did a search on line.... and found it..... if you need help let me know...!