

  • you sound like a strong woman. you have to be...you're a mother of three children! i agree with the ladies...get it checked out and let the rest fall on faith (whatever you believe in). early detection is key now. keep us updated. will pray for you :)
  • i'm a big time snacker. like ALL the time. not unhealthy stuff (ok...maybe sometimes lol). but i'm always munching on carrots, granola bars, celery and hummus, always carry around a water bottle, etc. and i get quite a bit of excercise in my day. i actually went to the movies tonight (xmen the prequel....GREAT MOVIE) and i…
  • congrats!! totally inspiring :) the best part is, it seems that you enjoy leading a healthier life!
  • wow! so many positive responses...thank you :) i agree with you all, the cookie diet is a quick fix that won't last long (which was ok for the wedding because i wanted to look fabulous in my dress), i guess i bought into it again because i'll be seeing my husband's family soon (and as we all know, everyone likes to judge…
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