

  • Encouragement is what your after, that is what you will find with plenty of helpful motivation!! I've been on this site for about a month now and everyone is very positive and helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can all work together to meet our goals. My husband, too, has also lost some weight since…
  • My name is also Michelle. My Grandpa nicknamed me Shelly and that has been the ONLY name that I answer to til I graduated High School. Now I go by the name Myschah - kind of a cross between Michelle and Shelly. Either way I like Myschah a lot better!!
  • Over the road truck driver = sitting on my tush for 11 hours at a time, eating nothing but junk food and greasy take out food with absolutely NO excercise whatsoever. That technically is my job but I am unemployed right now, taking computer and online Accounting classes. Hoping to find a job when I have completed these…
  • I was born in Cooperstown, NY and raised in the Oneonta area. I moved out of NY IN 2003. Been living in Princeton, NC since then. I will be heading back up there end of this month just for a quick visit to pick up my daughter.
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