Hello all!!

Hello to all of you. I used to use the mobile app, but never really took full advantage of all it and this site had to offer. Now that i think my scale HATES me and wants to make me cry, it's time to make it cry!!! My darling hubby has already lost a few lbs, not that he really needs to, but he wants to be in BETTER shape. I just want A shape!! I'm done with looking in my closet and seeing all the clothes i used to wear! It's about time i get off my booty and get back into my thinner clothes!!! Oh, and i need all the encouragement as possible, bc even seeing my Hubby lose a few lbs and how good he looks some how isn't enough motivation :embarassed: I hope to make some great productive friendships on here and i hope to hit my goal!!!


  • CWood323
    CWood323 Posts: 20
    Go hard!
  • CharlesK07
    Well it never hurts to have a ton of supporters and motivators, time to make that scale cry..feel free to add me, I have been on this for a little over 2 wks now and this has been nothing but motivation for me to see all the support to encourage you to do your best. I am currently aiming to lose 60lbs and so far kicked 4 to the curb
  • bubbles143
    It's your journey, enjoy it and never compare yourself :)
  • myschah
    myschah Posts: 5
    Encouragement is what your after, that is what you will find with plenty of helpful motivation!! I've been on this site for about a month now and everyone is very positive and helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can all work together to meet our goals. My husband, too, has also lost some weight since finding this site. He has a ways to go to get to his goal but he is working on that everyday. So come join us here on MFP and I'm sure you will make some great friends!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!!!
