

  • No HYE been to a Comic-Con?
  • Daddy's gonna pay for your crashed car - U2
  • But the doors were locked.
  • Do you have to eat cottage cheese? :)
  • Bump for later use
  • Quite often the fantasy is better than reality, eat one, enjoy it and move on :)
  • I bought a HRM. I found that MFP estimated exercise calories by about double for me. e.g today I did circuit according to my HRM I burnt 416Kcal in 55 mins and MFP had me at 895kcal for the same amount of time. I eat back the kcals that my heart rate monitor says I burnt. To me it would be a little more accurate.
  • Personally I love them! I use them in anything with a sauce so they take on the flavour or I add them to soup to bulk i tout if I have run out of cals for the day. I only use the angel hair and I don't mind the texture. The do smell really bad when you open the packet, just make sure you rinse them really, really well…
  • YUM thank you that sounds delish!
  • WOW, WOW, WOW someone else tried telling me something similar and I laughed at them, now I feel a a fool. I will PM you are I think what you say is very wise. I have done it all and with little success. Thanks :)
  • What is white hominy and is there a substitute as I don't think we can get it here in Oz :) Thanks
  • Eat an extra 200-300 calories. I am on 1460 a day and since dropping to that I have plateaud for 4 weeks and even gained 0.5kg despite increasing my activity. My energy levels are through the floor and I'm struggling to keep up with such a low intake. My GP told me today to increase my cals by 200-300 per day as of today…
  • Could not agree more!!! I had GAD and OCD tendencies and they went through the roof I reckon it was 8mths before I returned to normal after taking Duromine for 3months. It gave me ridiculous amounts of energy in the morning and they I would crash really really badly at night. I was moody, irritable, argumentative and…
  • Could not agree more!!! I had GAD and OCD tendencies and they went through the roof I reckon it was 8mths before I returned to normal after taking Duromine for 3months. It gave me ridiculous amounts of energy in the morning and they I would crash really really badly at night. I was moody, irritable, argumentative and…
  • Sorry double posted can't work out how to delete! :)
  • Yep! I have severe PMDD and can bloat as much as 3 dress sizes and look 6 months pregnant at TOM. I also get uncontrollable urges to binge eat 2-3 days a month. On these days I wear an elasticated skirt and accept I will look like a whale for several days. In terms of binge eating I used to crave white carbs like there was…
  • First of all well done on your huge weightloss so far!! That is awesome. I had a look at some of your entries, the main thing that struck me was a high amount of processed/pre-made/take-away items which tend to be very high in sodium (like bacon and cheese slices) and sugar. The closer a food is to it's original form the…
  • I buy the young coconuts and use the juice out of them. You get more for your money that way. I dilute 250mls in a 600ml bottle with water. I found it awesome for really intensive work outs, just gave me that extra boost. Nutritionally they are supposed to be good too. Just make sure you factor the calories in :)
  • I use Slim Pasta Angel hair to pad out my meals so I am rarely hungry. Add it to soups, stirfry's I've even whipped up some stirfry veg with slim pasta and soy sauce for under 100 cals as a snack when I am really struggling. Because it tastes like nothing it absorbs the flavour of what you are adding it too. The other…
  • There is a brand of bra called "Shock Absorber". I am seriously top heavy and this is the best thing ever invented! It is no wire (which I normally loathe) but it is like a cross between a bra/crop top/compression top. I have never enjoyed running more. It is on the pricey side $85-90 but a very, very worthwhile investment!
  • Chucked out my scales as I used to get on several times a day and it would affect my mood so badly if the numbers where not what I wanted.. Switched my focus exercise stats. My focus is now training and improving my stats every week. I eat reasonably well and I have never dropped weight so fast as I have since I stopped…
  • First of all I want to start by saying there is nothing "wrong" with you. Moving is amongst the top 5 most stressful things a person can do, and when you add an illness that is beyond your control into the mix, things can seem pretty bleak. I can empathise a little with your journey. I hope you don't mind but I would like…
  • My advice from personal experience, stay well away from it. I used it for 3 months and although I lost weight it was the worst decision I ever made. My anxiety was off the scale, not to mention it is highly addicitve. I was grouchy and irritable and by the end was having massive panic attacks. I would start the morning…