Duromine not working! advice/ experience please?

Hi all

Okay, so doc prescribed me 15mg Duromine 3 days ago and just started taking them yesterday morning. NO effects whatsoever! I even took 2 today (the doc did say it would be okay should I need to). I feel ripped off because these pills don't come cheap and there's not boost of energy, I've still got my same appetite and still tired like normal.

I went to the chemist the other day and he said it can take up to a week to kick in. I'm hoping there's someone out there that can tell me their usage did take a few days to kick in! TIA


  • ashleighlive
    ashleighlive Posts: 43 Member
    Hi dear,

    Yes I think mine took 5-7 days to kick in. I started on 20mg and went up to 40mg after one month. I cycled up in the beginning and down in the end.

    I took Duromine/ Phentermine because I wanted to lose the 10 odd kilograms I had gained from my binge eating, which my doctor I feel negligently prescribed me given I was in the middle of the healthy BMI weight range at that time, but I pursued it and at that time would have done anything to get it, as I thought it was my quick weight loss solution.

    In the first week I had A LOT of energy and it was all fine. The second week I crashed and burned, I could not sleep, I was irritable, moody, a real pleasure to be around!
    I was scattered, I spoke so fast my partner had no idea what I was saying & by the time he responded to my last sentence I would be whinging about something else.

    After the first week I could not exercise and had to force myself to eat. I was on Duromine for 2 months. It was hell for me & my partner. I lost 5 odd kilograms, I gained it all back because it is a quick fix, it does not change your attitude toward food, it ruins your body/ system and when it gets out of your body, which for me took atleast 6 months it feels your body goes nuts. I began binge eating and....

    I read in the pamphlet that any mental illnesses would be exasperated.

    I had symptoms of OCD from a young age but didn’t think it was worth worrying about it didn’t phase me, other than getting every side effect under the sun on that horrid drug my OCD sky rocketed.

    It has been 9 or so months since I stupidly started that course of drugs and my OCD has lessened, but it still worse than original, yet still thankfully manageable without prescription drugs.

    SO if you have anything underlying PLEASE BE CAREFUL!

    Also even just the usual side effects are bad enough! I had A LOT of them!

    More Common Symptoms

    Less Common to Rare Symptoms
    ■Dry mouth
    ■Lack of sexual desire
    ■Nausea or vomiting
    ■Blurred vision
    ■Skin rash or itching
    ■Irregular heartbeat
    ■Stomach pain

    Yes basically everything! I am usually not so sensitive to side effects, but this one got me. So please, be careful!

    I wish you well on your journey x
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    Sorry double posted can't work out how to delete! :)
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    Could not agree more!!! I had GAD and OCD tendencies and they went through the roof I reckon it was 8mths before I returned to normal after taking Duromine for 3months. It gave me ridiculous amounts of energy in the morning and they I would crash really really badly at night. I was moody, irritable, argumentative and basically felt like I was losing my mind. I lost 11kg and the rapidly gained it all back. Personally do not recommend it. Short term fix with big consequences.
  • MimRob
    MimRob Posts: 24
    Hi dear,

    Yes I think mine took 5-7 days to kick in. I started on 20mg and went up to 40mg after one month. I cycled up in the beginning and down in the end.

    I took Duromine/ Phentermine because I wanted to lose the 10 odd kilograms I had gained from my binge eating, which my doctor I feel negligently prescribed me given I was in the middle of the healthy BMI weight range at that time, but I pursued it and at that time would have done anything to get it, as I thought it was my quick weight loss solution.

    In the first week I had A LOT of energy and it was all fine. The second week I crashed and burned, I could not sleep, I was irritable, moody, a real pleasure to be around!
    I was scattered, I spoke so fast my partner had no idea what I was saying & by the time he responded to my last sentence I would be whinging about something else.

    After the first week I could not exercise and had to force myself to eat. I was on Duromine for 2 months. It was hell for me & my partner. I lost 5 odd kilograms, I gained it all back because it is a quick fix, it does not change your attitude toward food, it ruins your body/ system and when it gets out of your body, which for me took atleast 6 months it feels your body goes nuts. I began binge eating and....

    I read in the pamphlet that any mental illnesses would be exasperated.

    I had symptoms of OCD from a young age but didn’t think it was worth worrying about it didn’t phase me, other than getting every side effect under the sun on that horrid drug my OCD sky rocketed.

    It has been 9 or so months since I stupidly started that course of drugs and my OCD has lessened, but it still worse than original, yet still thankfully manageable without prescription drugs.

    SO if you have anything underlying PLEASE BE CAREFUL!

    Also even just the usual side effects are bad enough! I had A LOT of them!

    More Common Symptoms

    Less Common to Rare Symptoms
    ■Dry mouth
    ■Lack of sexual desire
    ■Nausea or vomiting
    ■Blurred vision
    ■Skin rash or itching
    ■Irregular heartbeat
    ■Stomach pain

    Yes basically everything! I am usually not so sensitive to side effects, but this one got me. So please, be careful!

    I wish you well on your journey x

    Could not agree more!!! I had GAD and OCD tendencies and they went through the roof I reckon it was 8mths before I returned to normal after taking Duromine for 3months. It gave me ridiculous amounts of energy in the morning and they I would crash really really badly at night. I was moody, irritable, argumentative and basically felt like I was losing my mind. I lost 11kg and the rapidly gained it all back. Personally do not recommend it. Short term fix with big consequences.
    Edited by MimRob on Mon 12/17/12 02:55 PM
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    If you want an anorectic you could try pyrovalerone. Or you could try it's analogue MDPV (bath salts).

    Just eat less and eat better food. As soon as you stop taking the pills your appetite will come right back.
  • ashleighlive
    ashleighlive Posts: 43 Member

    Could not agree more!!! I had GAD and OCD tendencies and they went through the roof I reckon it was 8mths before I returned to normal after taking Duromine for 3months. It gave me ridiculous amounts of energy in the morning and they I would crash really really badly at night. I was moody, irritable, argumentative and basically felt like I was losing my mind. I lost 11kg and the rapidly gained it all back. Personally do not recommend it. Short term fix with big consequences.
    Edited by MimRob on Mon 12/17/12 02:55 PM

    Sorry you had the same issues as I.
    It's horrid, I hope you are on the road to recovery x
  • Mindmyson
    Mindmyson Posts: 1
    Duromine is great, you should eat healthy and very minimal, I've lost 15 killos in 4 weeks I was 70kg now I'm 55kg
    I recommend exercising everyday for 1 hour, and only eat a piece a fruit don't eat nothing else! Drink heaps of water as it fills you up and if you like coffee or tea drink as much as u won't just don't add sugar or milk.

    To keep the weight off is very simple, don't be a pig and eat everything! You still have to exersize at least 4 times a week and eat healthy no take aways and eat minimal.

    That's most people's problem they give negative feedback saying they have gained all of the weight back and it's because they are pigs and just got back to how they were, lazy sitting around in front of the tv eating **** eating maccas not exersizing..

    Good luck :)
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Duromine is great, you should eat healthy and very minimal, I've lost 15 killos in 4 weeks I was 70kg now I'm 55kg
    I recommend exercising everyday for 1 hour, and only eat a piece a fruit don't eat nothing else! Drink heaps of water as it fills you up and if you like coffee or tea drink as much as u won't just don't add sugar or milk.

    To keep the weight off is very simple, don't be a pig and eat everything! You still have to exersize at least 4 times a week and eat healthy no take aways and eat minimal.

    That's most people's problem they give negative feedback saying they have gained all of the weight back and it's because they are pigs and just got back to how they were, lazy sitting around in front of the tv eating **** eating maccas not exersizing..

    Good luck :)

    Are you saying you exercised for an hour a day and only ate one piece of fruit all day, EVERDAY for FOUR weeks??? Surely not? If you did then that's a mad thing to suggest, your weight loss had little to do with the tablets and more to do with the the exercise and diet! You are very lucky you didn't get very poorly. Please don't recommend this as a good thing to do!