

  • I joined the Tony Ferguson Weight Lose plan (Kerr Drugs) and have lost 5 pounds and 1.5 inches in my waist - even over the holidays (and I did cheat....) but went right back to the program on Friday morning. I have only been doing it for 3 weeks. Very exciting!!!!! I think this is going to really work. The shakes are tasty…
  • You could try Dr. Ian Smith's diet for 2 weeks along with a colon cleansing kit from the health food store and you should really see results. Just don't plan to socialize during that time frame. Might be embarrassing, if you get my drift.
  • I am reading a really good book that you might like called "small change: little things make a big difference" by Susan & Larry Terkel. It could help with trying to make huge changes and getting stressed and falling off the wagon. This book advocates making very small changes that have a big effect over time, not so…
  • Try taking a chicken breast or lean prok chop, dredge it in lemon pepper seasoning and cook on the grill. That with a salad and veggie like green beans sauted in lo-salt soy sauce will fill you up and not go over your alottment.
  • What I have FINALLY discovered is that exercise is great for your health and you should do it for sure but does NOT help with your weight, it actually makes you hungry and I think you eat more because you think it is OK 'cause you worked out. Am I making sense? So, the ONLY thing that will help with your weight is what you…
  • Not sure what you mean by account for it but I would suggest you enter the foods you think you are going to order tonight and see the numbers, you might decide to substitute something that will save your daily total. Also, take a brisk 30 minute walk before you dress to go and enter the exercise to allow for a few extra…
  • logging does help keep what you are eating and the amounts in your mind all the time. I take one less helping of that pasta because you have to log it. Also, going to the gym is 1% motivation and 99% habit. I find myself in the car and in the gym parking lot before I can talk myself out of it. Just routine now. Everyday at…
  • Just stick it out and you will see the difference - it takes time losing this way but it does happen. Good luck.