Feeling Blue....

Hi All!

I am new to this site, and am soooo glad I've found it.

Finally a way that is easy to track my calories.

The problem being, I'm feeling pretty down lately. I feel like this weight will never come off.
Unfortunately, I'm the kind of person who expects to see results instantly, and I get pretty bummed when I don't.

Our town had Ribfest this weekend, and I didn't touch even one!!! Even though, I still feel like a blimp :(

Does anyone have any advice on how to lose weight quicker? I know it's more healthy to lose it slowly, but even if I can just get a bump in the right direction, it may help to motivate me!

Sorry for the ranting! Thanks for reading!!!!


  • NikyGyrl
    Hi All!

    I am new to this site, and am soooo glad I've found it.

    Finally a way that is easy to track my calories.

    The problem being, I'm feeling pretty down lately. I feel like this weight will never come off.
    Unfortunately, I'm the kind of person who expects to see results instantly, and I get pretty bummed when I don't.

    Our town had Ribfest this weekend, and I didn't touch even one!!! Even though, I still feel like a blimp :(

    Does anyone have any advice on how to lose weight quicker? I know it's more healthy to lose it slowly, but even if I can just get a bump in the right direction, it may help to motivate me!

    Sorry for the ranting! Thanks for reading!!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Welcome to the site! It is great and very motivational. I dont post alot but I read alot of the posts. They have great advice to share and when you are down they are certainly here to help pick you up. Anyone here will tell you that slow and steady wins the race! You will have ups and downs. Use this site to help you get through them!

    Good luck on your journey!

    ps... there are alot of challenges to join to help keep up the motivation!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • gk10465
    gk10465 Posts: 10
    You could try Dr. Ian Smith's diet for 2 weeks along with a colon cleansing kit from the health food store and you should really see results. Just don't plan to socialize during that time frame. Might be embarrassing, if you get my drift.
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    First, don't focus on the sprint, it's a marathon...and it's ok to walk it. But, couple of things that may make you feel better....

    FIBER...get enough of that going through your system and may feel lighter. Along with that be sure to drink those 8 glasses of water, that will help keep you from retaining water and help the fiber do its job keeping things moving on through.

    My two favorite fiber sources are Aunt Millie's 12 grain bread....
    Tastes great, 6gr fiber per slice and 110 cal
    Ole Xtreme Wellness tortilla wraps 71 cal, 12gr fiber

    Slice of toast for breakfast and a tortilla wrap for lunch and you're talking 18 gr of fiber EASY!!
    Yes, you can loose weight faster, but it isn't worth it in the long run...:smile:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    You just had a baby! For 10 months your body was in overdrive creating life. It took all that time to gain weight and it will take time to get it off. Your hormones are trying to get back to "normal" as well. You do not want to lose it too fast, I am sure you do not want flabby skin and you risk losing things other than just fat, like muscle and bone.

    I need to see results fast too, I like a jumpstart, but everytime I did that, it failed me in the end. This time, I am trying it the "right" way. You WILL lose it, just keep on keeping on. Yes, it is a journey, but one worth it. Take every loss as a small victory. Best of luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • Canelitas
    Canelitas Posts: 712
    You could also try a 7 day plan.

    Day 1 - Only eat Watermelon and Cantloupe (sp?)
    Day 2 - Only eat Fruits
    Day 3 - Only eat Veggies - only 1 baked potato allowed
    Day 4 - Only eat fruits and Veggies - again only 1 baked potato allowed
    Day 5 - Only eat 8 bananas with 8 glasses of milk
    Day 6 - Only eat Watermelon and Cantloupe (sp?)
    Day 7 - Only eat fruits and Veggies - again only 1 baked potato allowed

    Supposeably you will lose 10-17 pounds in those 7 days. Personally, I have never tried it, cause I doubt it will work, so let us know if you try it and it does.
  • melathon
    melathon Posts: 246 Member
    First of all - like someone else said - you just gave birth a few months ago, so please don't be too hard on yourself.
    Second, if you haven't, please read Banks's posts for newbies. Not that you're terribly new, but it's great to remind ourselves of these things:




    In particular, the "expectations" one is important right now. What I've found is that when you first join MFP, you WILL lose weight quickly (I lost almost all of mine in two months). This is especially true if you chose, when you signed up, to lost two lbs/week (and you definitely don't want to be on a more restrictive diet than that - you'll notice that MFP won't allow you to choose more than two lbs/week weight loss). If you follow this plan you WILL be successful. Just keep it up and remember - this is a forever lifestyle change and if you approach it that way you're much more likely to stick to it.

    One other tip - if you're not doing any strength training as part of your exercise program, try to add some. When you add lean muscle mass you burn more calories at rest. It's a beautiful thing! Just give yourself time and you WILL see results. And whenever you feel discouraged, log in here! That's why we're here.
  • jamdblake4
    jamdblake4 Posts: 179
    What I did and it worked, I counted my calories eat my workout calories. busted up the protien cut back on the carbs look out for sugar, read the label.
    pick up the Intensity of the workouts, and hit lots of legs. they are the largest muscle group and will burn calories long after your workout.