rkcrawf Member


  • Just going on personal experience from 10 years of on/off/on various anti-depressants (Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Wellbutrin)...everyone has a different reaction to different drugs. If the weight gain bothers you that much, use objective measurements to help you out. How much are you eating? How much are you sleeping? How…
  • I did find it a bit silly to do a cool down for pure cardio and a warm up for cardio abs right after...but the stretches seem to address the muscles for the specific workout and the cardio abs warm-up isn't that tough. I would guess you could compress it, but i honestly wanted the extra rest to recover before jumping into…
  • Just did the 2wk fit test. Did better than I did the first time around and my gf has noticed the difference in appearance. It hasn't translated to the scale, but I'm okay with that.
  • I am 6'1 and 212lbs. I have a fairly large frame and am about 25.9% bodyfat according to the Omron scale I have. I set my goal weight at 197 (I forget how I came up with it, but there was a formula). I am more concerned with the bodyfat %, but I want to improve my running and I think the weight loss will help. Anyway, I am…
  • I'm impressed. I always thought it didn't matter what program you did as long as you do SOMETHING and stick with it. But I've just started Insanity (Day 10) and it's good. The DVD does need to keep you engaged so it doesn't get repetitive. I think once I lost about 15 lbs, I will switch to P90X and mix it up some more. The…
  • Do not think that the heart rate is an accurate guide for the recovery workouts. Most heart rate monitors that calculate calories are a) approximate (unless they ask for your weight and measure distance) b) are meant for aerobic work. The cardio recovery is a workout, but it feels more like a combination of yoga/pilates…