

  • ooohh! this is neat. I'm going to try this. thanks!
  • I'm wondering if I'm also maybe getting too much sodium. How much is too much?
  • does anyone have any good suggestions of home workouts? It would be awsome if anyone had suggestions of some kind of work out I could watch online, maybe on youtube or something, and do in my home daily? if not, how much walking or running do I need to do for it to really make a difference? I'm on my feet all day, I hardly…
  • wow, everyone here is so helpful and motivating, it's awesome, thanks so much. Lots and lots of good advice and things to add to my next shopping list. Another question, I've seen a few people mention slim fast. I tried that stuff once a long time ago and actually thought it was pretty delicious, is the consensus…
  • thanks! + bump
  • Good luck to you too! :) Help us out please!
  • it tends to make you not hungry. But then when it wears off you're REALLY hungry. I was prescribed it for years and never really lost any weight. Not to mention Adderall is AWFUL for you and has been compared to meth. haha.