

  • I think that's a great treat if that is what you like and it helps you. I noticed that Crystal Light did come out with some recently that have stevia which is made from sugar rather than some of the older sweeteners. I tried one, but I thought it was too sweet for me. Might be an option to try too.
  • I agree the Crystal Light or even the Wal Mart brand ones are a great option for low calories, Hi-C makes some too that are good but I have not checked the calories in them...my husband likes them so we always have them around. Whatever it takes to get the water down is good!!
  • Yum! Sounds great! I love Cool Whip and would rather eat that than ice cream anyway. This sounds like something my teenagers will eat and my two year old neice will enjoy too. Thanks for sharing!!
  • I used to sell Pampered Chef and there is no real need to season it. I have never seasoned any of mine and they are all just fine. And can I just say I LOVE them!!!!!
  • I'm sorry you are facing all of this. I can only imagine how hard all of that must be for you. You did good by still tracking calories and logging them but that is definately an easy rut to get into when we eat because we are upset: I have been there far too much. Keep your chin up, I will say a prayer for your situation.…
  • Wow...what an experience. I am so sorry that you had to go through that. Although I too grew up fat, I was in a fat family where I thought I was normal so thankfully, I did not suffer in some of the ways that you did. Know that you are not judged here and if you ever need support or encouragement, we are all here! Thank…
  • I definately understand...it is incredible to see what an appropriate portion is compare to what we used to have. I just try to fix something healthy that everyone enjoys and add lots of veggies and stuff that is low in calories that I can have extra of so that it seems like i am not having so much less than others.
  • I agree this is a great tool! Before I eat or drink anything but water I stop and think about where I am with my goals for the day. Having a place to log them and get feedback is wonderful!!! :smile:
  • I have not been able to get rid of it either, but I did switch to a caffeine free diet one...
  • I have a container of yogurt mid afternoon with a little granol cereal over it...