ampalomba Member


  • Check out: She has a lot of great information and knows a lot about a lot of different health issues.
  • It absolutely amazes me the comments people are making about the HCG. I have plenty of energy. No hunger. I don't feel weak or lightheaded. No hairloss. I sleep better. Absolutely great blood work. No sagging skin or muscle loss. I am actually seeing muscle definition I haven't seen in years and I am not exercising at all.…
    in HCG Diet? Comment by ampalomba June 2010
  • Check out this forum. Of all the sites I have been to, this one has the best support and information.
    in hCG Comment by ampalomba June 2010
  • I have to agree with everything that msrichmond is saying. It's a real shame people can knock a program down that they know nothing about. You need to do some research on it before you can comment about it. To me this has been the best weight loss program I have ever done. I have tried just about every program and diet…
    in hCG Comment by ampalomba June 2010
  • HCG diet has been great for me. I am current on day 16 of P2 R3. I haven't been hungry and my energy level has been great. I am currently down 15.8 lbs. this round. Total of 39 lbs. down. If you want some great support for this diet, try checking out hcgvanillaforum. You can get a lot of great information here on HCG. I am…
    in hCG Comment by ampalomba June 2010
  • HCG is the best thing I have done in my whole life as far as weight loss. I have done about every possible diet out there and have never been very successful. I am currently down 39 lbs. and feel absolutely great. I have plenty of energy and my skin looks great. No saggy skin. I am currently at the beginning of my 3rd…
    in HCG Diet? Comment by ampalomba June 2010