HCG Diet?



  • leftyy2k4
    leftyy2k4 Posts: 71
    If you aren't interested in doing the diet then why even participate on this board...you stated you opion or facts...so move on!! You are being very mean and cruel to some people, everyone makes their own choices...get over it!! And bringing someone elses kids into a message board is just juvenile!! GROW UP!!!
    I am far from being cruel, and I did not know there were rules on who could post what.

    I do love how you wasted a post to attack me for being part of the conversation. I suggest you take your own advice and grow up.
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    I didn't waste a post...whatever that is supposed to mean. I was actually trying to educate myself on the topic and seen that you were attacking a lady just because this is something that she decided to do and had great results with. And having children myself I took offense that you would be that cruel!!!! I am not replying to anymore of your posts...again act your age!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I didn't waste a post...whatever that is supposed to mean. I was actually trying to educate myself on the topic and seen that you were attacking a lady just because this is something that she decided to do and had great results with. And having children myself I took offense that you would be that cruel!!!! I am not replying to anymore of your posts...again act your age!!
    I agree if someone is not into a topic there seems no profit to anyone for them to post negativity toward others. There's some awesome threads out here to cheer others on, the last thing anyone on MFP needs is another negative post.

    Each of us is finding our way to a healthy lifestyle, each of is doing it in our own way. 500 cals a day would not work for me so I don't chose to do it that way myself, but I won't bash anyone anymore when I don't agree, I've done it in the past to some degree and it was not kind and I did not feel good about myself after. It makes us look foolish/ignorant and puts down the poster when they are merely trying to share what they feel is working for them.

    If we feel it is unhealthy there are far more diplomatic ways to share that and then simply move on. A person can then make their own decision without others continuing to post link after link after link. Googling will bring up many links for both sides of a topic, it's simply how it works, on any topic.

    If a person doesn't agree and personal attacks begin, it's highly unlikely their words will be heard, most of us shut down the person when we get attacked. I know I do most times!

    I find that when ppl first join this list there are some that are very strong willed and very opinionated without taking the time to get to know the rest of us or how the boards work. Taking time to get to know others and realizing we're all humans with feelings and choices is a good way to find yourself more welcomed in the community than simply jumping right in and splashing your thoughts at others in an attack fashion.

    Here's to less attacking on threads and more acceptance of one another! Bashing personally doesn't even make sense, it's what 5 years olds do, call one another names and put down others. We can dislike what someone is doing/saying but why hate on someone themselves? Some of us are easier to get along with than others, coming on strongly when first joining won't get a person very far in an online community. I for one am here for community support and helping others get and stay motivated to succeed, I've learned hard lessons along the way and edited many of my posts after rereading how silly they sounded and pointless I realized they were simply because I didn't agree with someone else's opinion. Just because I have a differing thought doesn't make mine right anymore than it makes someone else's right.

    Because Google says it, doesn't make it a fact as many of us have learned:huh: :tongue: So links shared over and over can sometimes be used to prove we're right rather than share facts or ideas. I love Google but just this morning I was looking up high fiber fruits, I see on one site the apple is said to be highly overrated regarding fiber, 2 sites later it's at the top of the list. Whatcha gonna do?!:noway: :laugh:

    Cheers for a bit more harmony no matter what the topic:drinker:
    Becca:flowerforyou: :heart:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I didn't waste a post...whatever that is supposed to mean. I was actually trying to educate myself on the topic and seen that you were attacking a lady just because this is something that she decided to do and had great results with. And having children myself I took offense that you would be that cruel!!!! I am not replying to anymore of your posts...again act your age!!

    I too don't have a clue what a 'wasted post' even means! As far as I know we can post till the cows come home, we drop dead or are banned from MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • Jb
    Looking at ur pic..... if that is u...... U dont need to lose any weight.
  • ampalomba
    ampalomba Posts: 6 Member
    It absolutely amazes me the comments people are making about the HCG. I have plenty of energy. No hunger. I don't feel weak or lightheaded. No hairloss. I sleep better. Absolutely great blood work. No sagging skin or muscle loss. I am actually seeing muscle definition I haven't seen in years and I am not exercising at all. I have a very physically demanding job, and I have more energy to do that job. I get up at 2:20 am every morning, and now I don't have to take naps when I get home at 12:30.

    And by the way, when using HCG, you are using abnormal fat stores for energy and nutrition, not muscle as some of you are saying. HCG actually keeps your body into going into the starvation mode.

    Doing VLCD without HCG will put you in starvation mode, thus using muscle and your good fat for energy. Also, without HCG, you will get weak, have a drawn looking face (from losing good fat ) and your skin will get very loose. You will lose a lot of weight, but at the expense of feeling very hungry, and losing muscle and skin tone..
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    Yes the pic is of me, I am 5"7 and started last nov at 200 pounds an all time high! I lost most of it on my own, but did decide to try the hcg I am on the 500 cal day 9 down 11.2 pounds(153.1) and feel great! I have never had so much energy and i sleep like i did before i had 3 children :) I have no saggy skin and my hair and nails look great. I am never actually "hungry" i just eat the daily allowed amount and drink a ton of water. I did a ton of research on this diet before starting it , spoke with people that were and have already done the diet and heard nothing but good things, i still have alot of fat on my lower half and thats what i would like to lose, i lost almost 40 pounds on my own but just got to a point where i was eating great and working out 5-6 days a week and the fat would not budge,this diet has been great for that and even though i am only half way through i would reccomend it , my mom and aunt and hubby are all getting ready to start soon.
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    How did you start? I have read the book (actually just today) and I am totally confused:blushing:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I am far from being cruel, and I did not know there were rules on who could post what.

    Since not everyone is aware that there are rules I thought I'd post the link.

  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Thank you posters for the support. Agree or disagree, I believe that all posts should be respectful of others' opinions and, yes, feelings. Keeping in mind that this site is dedicated to weight loss/better health and not social networking to make friends, perhaps the latter is an added benefit to the former.

    Lefty did make me do alot of thinking though. What I found talking to people who have done HCG and in surfing around trying to refute his claims is that the studies he quotes generally suggest that HCG poses health risks - but they are not very common - and more likely to occur in higher doses such as those used for hormone replacement therapy or fertility treatments and even less likely in the doses that I am taking.

    I have renewed confidence that I am making the right choice for me and not risking my health by doing so.

    Therefore I will be happy to converse with anyone who has questions about my journey or wants to share their experiences, successes or struggles constructively.

    Please understand that I will not publicly participate in any further derogatory argument on the subject.

    And Angela, way to go with your bad 40 lbs!!! Have a strawberry smoothie with me!!!!:drinker:
  • Sorry Jb .... I just thought you looked really good and all.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Search "HCG side effects" and "HCG dangers" online and then decide if you'd still like to do it.
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    I just started the HCG on Friday, today is day 4 and the first start of the counting calories. It hasn't been too bad. Not all doctors are in it just for the money, my doctor gave me the option of giving myself the injections and saving $300.00. All he charged me for was the HCG and the bottle of B12 plus the office visit, total of $150.00. I've done a lot of research and IMO the benifits outweighed the negitives. Good luck to whoever is thinking of trying it!
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    Sorry Jb .... I just thought you looked really good and all.

  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    500 Calories???? Well NO WONDER you loose a bunch of weight! DUH! I don't think it's any drops or shots or whatever, I mean, come on.....you are only eating 500 calories per day!!! THIS is why you loose the weight!

    Plus, it sounds kinda dangerous.

    Nope, not for me.
    But this is MY opinion only and I mean no dis-respect to anybody who wants to try this diet.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    500 Calories???? Well NO WONDER you loose a bunch of weight! DUH! I don't think it's any drops or shots or whatever, I mean, come on.....you are only eating 500 calories per day!!! THIS is why you loose the weight!
    Believe it or not, there are people that really don't make this connection...and don't realize WHY you need to take HCG while you are on the VLCD. HCG protects your lean mass and muscles against loss.

    My wife and I start the HCG diet next Monday and we're excited about it. We are going to take painstakingly detailed notes, pictures, measurements, and weights to track our journey.
  • MoMmErSoF3
    MoMmErSoF3 Posts: 6 Member
    I am on day 4 of the VLCD. I feel good! i have lost 6.6 lbs.
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368

    6/13/10 Day 1 weight 184.8
    7/1/10 Day 19 weight 168.4
    Net loss 16.4 lbs

    I was at Kmart yesterday and grabbed a pair of size 8 jeans off the rack . . . . . and they fit. (Lee riders)

    This is a whole new world for me.

    Goal this round: 159 (or close)
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member

    6/13/10 Day 1 weight 184.8
    7/1/10 Day 19 weight 168.4
    Net loss 16.4 lbs

    I was at Kmart yesterday and grabbed a pair of size 8 jeans off the rack . . . . . and they fit. (Lee riders)

    This is a whole new world for me.

    Goal this round: 159 (or close)
    That's awesome, Five. Brittany and I started the load phase today and start the sublinguals on Monday. I can't wait to start posting my results up here. Have you encountered anything that isn't covered in Dr. Simeons' book?
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