

  • Nia Shanks. Lift like a girl. OR Beautiful Badass. Both excellent programs! She doesn't worry so much about "weight" itself. More about being fit and healthy. Check into this, it may help!
  • www.fitnessblender.com They have the BEST workouts for any of your needs for free! They show approximately how many calories burned in each session. They have HIIT, Weight training for fat loss, Cardio... you name it they have it. Personally, I've had the most success with their workouts. Although, Jillian Michaels is the…
  • AHHHHH Burpees! Love to hate these! But they work good core and cardio for me. I try to avoid them, but they always knock on my door and tell me they are ready for me.
    in Burpees? Comment by hannahsauce May 2013
  • I don't usually drink beer during the week. I'm more of a weekend warrior on that lol. I DO like my 2 glasses of wine on weeknights though! The dehydration theory is likely spot on though... I didn't think about that! The pizza, wings and cheesy bread was almost a 1000 calories!! I try to never go over 400 calories per…
  • I did the ripped in 30 all four week, and continue to rotate between week 2 and 3. I have great results from both. When I want to change it up a bit, I go with her 6 pack in 6 weeks. That kicks my butt! But I have seen real results. I love Jillian! Just stick with the light eating and working out. I'm gonna try to…