

  • I am also struggling with the sugar limits, because I exceed without eating anything I would consider "sugary" just like you've described. I thought I'd check this out with a nutritionist. If I learn anything helpful, I'll let you know.
  • I got my start with a three pound loss and I'm thrilled! I'm determined to take this slowly and surely and to appreciate every success. Looks like you reached your goal this week -- way to go! Enjoy th eweekend!
  • :embarassed: Oops. . .my last post was directed at Angie1964!
  • I'm guessing you found the right place. 40 pounds is an amazing accomplishment and you really don't want to have to do it over! I am also an educator and I am trying to psyche myself up for actually getting myself out of bed at 5 AM to do my workout, because we both know that it simply won't get done "after work" (when is…
  • I want to add my welcome, Ladyhawk. We are the same age and I've found that to be a huge factor in how easily I seem to gain weight these days, and how slowly it seems to come off. I am so excited about this site because it is a wonderful team of totally supportive new friends! We'll take it slowly, but we can do this! I…
  • You had a "human" moment, Beautiful! It's really OK. Get over it and move on. Do try to feel those Oreos now. Yeah. . .that kind of sick, heart-burn, yuck feeling. Tomorrow when you have a bag of veggies and string cheese with you and you eat that instead you're going to feel SO MUCH better. Don't let today's slip lead to…
  • Of course you may "borrow" my idea! Today I honored "Vanessa82" with another Kill Hill for her success in avoiding the cake (did you read that one?). I honored your 15 pounds with a second set of the long public steps on my walking route. As I do this, I think about the person and how hard they are working. I just find…
  • I can relate to your message on so many levels. What is this thing about cheating on ourselves???? I have never been able to understand why I engage in this self-defeating behavior, but it sure is nice to know I'm not the only loonie who does this! I have been charting my food here since Sunday and I have already…
  • Darn right this is a huge accomplishment! It is each of those little bites, licks, slurps, sips, nibbles that put us where we're at -- over our ideal healthy weight. I applaud your acknowledgement of the fact that you were about to engage in emotional eating and changed your course. Way to go! You inspired me tonight!
  • Your message touched me and I noticed that we are at exactly the same place of wanting to lose 60 pounds. The difference is that I have 32 years on you! I have daughters your age and I totally understand how important body image is for you right now. How about a little challenge? You name the weigh-in day and we'll see if…
  • I had my first baby at 31 also, but the second one at age 34 is when I also gained a lot (about 60 pounds). Just feel really proud that you are taking the weight off now, and not 18 years later like I am in the process of doing! Take it easy on yourself and remember, lack of sleep doesn't help the weight loss efforts and…
  • Good for you! Yesterday Nana27 posted a twenty pound loss and I celebrated by adding an extra 10 minutes and a trip up "Kill Hill" in her honor! Today I will celebrate your 15 pounds somehow on my walk. Good job for doing this now, because as I'm sure you know it doesn't get any easier. . .spoken like a true 52 year old. .…
  • Welcome! I just discovered the site and I echo your sentiments. . .it's exactly what I needed. My hubby and I are both in pretty much the same place -- 52 years old, and 50 lbs (he), 60 lbs (me) to lose. I look forward to the support and common sense of purpose MFP seems to provide. Best of luck to you. It will be fun to…
  • It might sound crazy, but check your dairy intake. A few years ago I started having palpitations and flutters (and when it happens, it really freaks you out because of the way it feels. . .right?). In one of my many health resources I read about a dairy connection. I quit and suddenly, the ticker felt totally normal again.…
  • Wow! You are well on your way. You've just inspired me to get off the computer and get my rear out the door for an extra long walk on this beautiful summer day. Thanks and keep up the great work!
  • Thanks for the welcomes! If I have questions, it looks like the two of you could pretty well be considered experts on this site. Thanks for the inspiration! Here's a question: In charting your weight loss, how often are you weighing and changing your results?
  • I've been cruising the site for the past 24 hours and I love it already. I saw a longtime friend last night at a party and she looked fabulous and told me all about this site. I look forward to gaining some supportive weight loss buddies while losing 60 pounds of uncomfortable, ugly fat. Just one day of using the food…