mayomanosu Member


  • Keep at it. Sometimes the first week or so the weight flys off due to shock of routine and then it slows down cause your body gets used to the routine. I have lost 45 pounds in the last year but am pushing for more. I started with just light cardio for few months, then added some strength/toning with weights, then added…
  • I think all depends on where you carry your weight. I have lost about 32 since starting weight loss and not a lot of people noticed until I lost some on my face. In certain clothes people notice more but it took me 15 pounds+ before I noticed my pants fitting loser so didnt expect people to notice until at least then.
  • My wife is 17 weeks pregnant and she has been keeping weight gain in check, 5 pounds thus far, by keeping active. Before she became pregnant she used to run and was active. Our Dr. said running was okay to keep doing as long as you were running before pregnancy. My wife is also involved with a fitness advisor through the…