

  • Look up someplace that offers Zumba! It's a major fun dance routine that combines hip hop, latin and belly dancing. It burns between 400-1,000 calories per work out .... more if you do toning Zumba. But be warned: it's awful easy to get HOOKED on Zumba! We're all fanatics around here!!
  • .... oh, and one more thing! I like to read the success stories! It really gives me HOPE that I can succeed at this!!
  • Like someone else said, we all have those days. Some of us are having LOTS of those days!! I do have a suggestion for you, though. Fill out your profile. It really helps you think about WHY you want to lose weight and it focuses you. Also, you might try a new exercise .... something fun. Belly dancing. Zumba (I LOVE…
  • Hey there ... One thought I had ... pregnancy is normal. Menstruel cramps are normal ... but if your pain isn't menstrual cramps, it could mean something dangerous. What if you had a false negative on that test, and are actually pregnant, it could be an etopic pregnancy which is dangerous for you and any future children…
  • As a long time yo yo dieter, it's been my observation that I always loose more weight faster in the beginning of any weight loss program. According to my doctor, it's because the heavier a person is, the more inefficient their body is, and therefore even walking or breathing is more of a struggle, thus you loose more…
  • By the way, I LOVE zumba. I go 2 or 3 times a week. It's fun,! It makes even old, fat people like myself feel like a dancer! it really burns the calories. I'm usually sweating big time five minutes into it!! It's expensive .... $5.00 a class down here .... but well worth it!!
    in Zumba Comment by Reecie99 March 2010
  • Hey, I added Zumba on the list of exercises. According to the Zumba website, you burn anywhere from 400 to 1,000 calories in an hour of zumba dancing., I entered 400 calories burned (the low end, since I'm not young and don't do all the jumping and jiving everyone else does.
    in Zumba Comment by Reecie99 March 2010