kind of bummed out...

:grumble: i'm not sure why. i'm not totally off the wagon by any means. i'm still exercising well and eating mostly well. i just don't feel like my heart is into to all this right now and i can't put my finger on why. i'm still doing my stuff, but i feel like i'm kind of just going through the motions. anyone else out there feel like this? i'm not exactly frustrated or anything like that...just kind of...i don't know...blah. any thoughts? encouragement? tips? pointers? dirty joke? anything?


  • clswinehart
    clswinehart Posts: 11
    Kind of going through the same thing...I think mine is a big life change that is catching up to me. I don't know what to tell you except to take it one day at a time. Good luck and let me know how it is going :)
  • Akasha13
    Akasha13 Posts: 7
    I get like that every now and then. I will have days where I just don't care anymore. It gets especially frustrating when I plateau.
  • Kelseykim
    Kelseykim Posts: 19
    We all have those days. What I do is just plug away because, if I don't then the next day will be easier to not stick to my exercise plan and diet plan. Just look how far you have come and keep up the good work
  • Reecie99
    Reecie99 Posts: 8
    Like someone else said, we all have those days. Some of us are having LOTS of those days!! I do have a suggestion for you, though. Fill out your profile. It really helps you think about WHY you want to lose weight and it focuses you. Also, you might try a new exercise .... something fun. Belly dancing. Zumba (I LOVE Zumba!!). Walking someplace different. Then, do something nice for yourself! Bubble bath, pedicure, hair cut, movie, an afternoon to yourself ... or get lost in a trashy romance novel! Just remember YOU are worth all this trouble (and more!!)!!
  • Reecie99
    Reecie99 Posts: 8
    .... oh, and one more thing! I like to read the success stories! It really gives me HOPE that I can succeed at this!!
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    Just like any relationship where things are going downhill and you are literally going through the motions (lol) you have to try something new and exciting.

    So if you walk all of the time maybe try jogging now. or biking. Of if you'd rather just walk, stop walking around your boring neighborhood and go out to a nice trail.

    For me, I've found that I really got a rush out of riding my bike through the downtown streets, compared to riding the paved bike trail. It added a whole new dimension to cycling for me.
  • paulreese
    paulreese Posts: 10
    The best remedy for the blahs is change. Change your exercise, change your diet in someway (if you allways eat the same things try something new). Anything that will make things a little different. Also focusing on your WHY is allways a great way to get through the tough times. We all have them. Keep up the good work!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I'm sort of there too. Not off the diet, but my heart isn't in it. I've just been pushing through it though. I think I'll get a second wind soon, hopefully. :)
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    chanstriste13 and Johnnysgirl34 You both say you aren't into it anymore. What got you into it in the first place? Has this goal been met? If not, is it still something that is important to you? Think about questions like this and keep pushing!