

  • Hey! Im recovering as well, totally sucks. Well, swimming is not good to start off with, it tears to much as you "kick" when you swim. Light running or power walking is a good exercise to keep the knee strong and healthy, if you go to the gym you can use the crosstrainer :-) Try to avoid anything that have an "heavy"…
  • Hey! Welcome! Im new to this too, i find it hard to actually eat during the day.. Sometimes i eat A LOT and the next day nothing, its a bit of a struggle, but i think with good support things'll get easier!:) Good luck!
    in Hi.... Comment by Ninasophie June 2011
  • oooh, i HATE bikinis:P Maby i'll put one on next year ;) Yeah, i think i'll make it actually! My plan is to bike to work everyday, 2 swedish miles. :)