
mamaofthreekids Posts: 2
edited 6:14AM in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to this. Today was my first day and it was hard! I was very hungry and crabby. I hope this helps me. Any tips or suggestions out there? Thanks.


  • drink lots of water, and just when you think your bladder will burst, drink more water. It really helps prevent headaches, and it keeps my stomach from growling.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Hey Megan,
    It's not easy and I felt the same way when I first started to get in shape yet once again. I had absolutly no motivation to workout again and a friend said that if she didn't start getting in shape again she'd never get there. She's a little older than me and so it really kinda got to me that I need to do something weather I want to or not. So I pushed through and It has paid off. 3 weeks and 8 lbs later I have started to get a hang of this. It is not instantanious but it shouldn't be if you want it to be permenant. It's one step in front of the other and more than anything proving to YOURSELF that you CAN do it. Pushing yourself to do what you thought or felt you might not be able to do because you have heart. Take heart my friend and know that you ARE capable because you ARE able. Be blessed and know that you are important and worth it because you caught somebodies attention.
    May the dilligent work ahead be fruitful.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Hi there-

    Stick with it, I bet in no time you will find yoursellf scouring through kitchen cabinets looking for more calories to eat I was that way after about 4 days of logging my food. I thought I was over eating, but just eating the wrong things, so I started choosing different foods and now I'm always way under my calorie goal. hang in there, it gets easier and people on this forum are so supportive, its awesome!

    Feel free to add me! :) Good luck with your journey- Wendy
  • Thank you all for your kind works. :) But dang today I overdid it with eating! I had some ladies over for lunch and did not realize I ate so much until I had to write it all down. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. :)
  • I know the feeling! I try to incorporate lots veggies and some fruits as snacks since they tend to be low calorie. Carrots are awesome alone, but I find I want some sort of dip with most other veggies (laughing cow cheese wedges are awesome in these cases, or just a modest amount of dressing, etc.).

    Also, don't let a bad day discourage you! I over do it with my diet, too. I just try to get back on the wagon the next day.
  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    If I'm hungry between meals, I try to eat some protein; a slice of cheese or celery with cream cheese. Protein helps with hunger. It's calories well spent.
  • From reading your posts, the following first step is going to be the hardest for you to accomplish:

    Stop getting down on yourself when you overeat.

    Step two will be a little easier:

    Make a distinction about what, where, when, how and why you overate.

    You're going to learn things about yourself and food real quick. Soon, you won't be overeating as much if at all. Good Luck!

  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Hi! I'm also a mom to 3 and I'm also fairly new. I know how hard it is too. I also know how cranky it can make you. My husband was so sick of my bad mood the first week I was doing this he threatened to tie me up and force feed me some Ben and Jerry's! LOL. I guess I was pretty bad....

    It WILL get easier. Just keep to whatever plan you've decided on and try to eat foods that will fill you up. I am sure someone can list some good ones for you. Drink water and exercise when you can. I'm a little over 2 weeks in to it and I'm already to the point where I can't even eat as much sugar as I used to without feeling sick. Yes, I still want sugary foods, and I will have some, but I don't/can't eat nearly as much as I used to!

    And lastly..just take it one day at a time and know that MFP is here for you :) Good luck!!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    drink lots of water, and just when you think your bladder will burst, drink more water. It really helps prevent headaches, and it keeps my stomach from growling.

    And believe me, you will think your bladder is going to burst!! lol I can't make it through my son's little league games without having to go to the bathroom at least 3x! :ohwell: My hubby gives me the "are you kidding me, you have to go again" look quite often. :smile:
  • Hey!
    Welcome! Im new to this too, i find it hard to actually eat during the day.. Sometimes i eat A LOT and the next day nothing, its a bit of a struggle, but i think with good support things'll get easier!:)

    Good luck!
  • sandraksims3
    sandraksims3 Posts: 17 Member
    fiber and lots of it...it helps curb your hunger and helps your body digest what you do eat...make sure to get in ur 8 glasses of water a day. It also helps with curbing your hunger so you dont eat when your actually just thirsty...HOPE this helps and good luck...add me as a friend if youd like.
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    Hi to all the new to newish members.

    I hope you will find this site as helpful and motivational as I and so many others have. Get active in the threads, find great advice on exercise, diet and more. Make friends for support and motivation and maintain your food and exercise loggs/journal. Do this and you will reach your goals and you will do it with the support and fun times that this site has to offer

    Feel free to send a friend request, if you want.
  • anavcnu
    anavcnu Posts: 1
    i keep going off track and on track, i need help :/
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